Chapter 13

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April's POV

He started looking around the room and the only chair open was mine.

Dylan walked over to the desk next to mine and sat down and starting taking out his notebook."Hey I need someone to show me around....would you mind?" He asked
"Yea sure I'm April Ross by the way"I said.
"Dylan Hartman"he said and we shook hands. We then turned back to the board because the teacher was talking.
After another couple minutes that felt like hours the bell rang and Dylan and I got up while starting to walk out of the class room.
"Ok well this way is to the cafeteria and up those stairs is the science and biology rooms" I said pointing in many different directions.
"Oh ok I think I got it" he said and turned to me with a smile.
I noticed that it was the end of the day and that everybody left.
"Ok here is my phone, put your number in it so if you need help tomorrow give me a call." I said. As I was handing him my phone Carter's name flashed on it
"Boyfriend?" Dylan asked. If I was drinking water I would have spit it out.
"No" I said sadly
"Wanna talk about it?" He asked
"Well I've liked Carter for a while but he keeps sending me all these mixed feelings and confusing me" I said
"Well why don't you show him your serious about this and that you don't like playing around" he said
"Uh like how?"
"Well show him what it feels like to be in your shoes. Play with his feelings and emotions and make him jealous" he suggested.
"How?" I asked still confused
"I'll help, I will pick you up tomorrow, drive you to school and be your fake boyfriend to help you get him jealous" he said. I was shocked. It sounded like a good idea so I'm gonna give it a try.
"Uh ok I'll text you my address and we can start tomorrow... but just so you know I don't like you like that." I said
"Yea I know I don't like you like that either-no offense- but I just broke up with my girlfriend before I moved here so I'm not looking to get in a relationship any time soon." He said
"What happened?" I asked
"She cheated on me at a party" he said
"I'm sorry" I said walking out the school doors. Good thing I live in California and the weather is nice.
"Ya well what happens happens. I'll pick you up tomorrow and then we can get our coupley thing on." He said wiggling his hips and waving his arms over his head. I laughed and shoved his arms playfully.
"Ya ok... It was really nice talking to you and thanks for helping me and I'll see you tomorrow when we get our coupley thing on" I said laughing.

I then got in my car and started driving away to get home

••• a/n ooooo what's going on with April,Dylan and there plan? Did you guys like this chapter? I'm feeling so much better so expect updates more frequently. This chapter got deleted and I tried my best to remember everything I wrote so I probably forgot something or added something.I love hearing your advice and how your feeling about the story so please comment and tell me!
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Thank you!~A😘

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