Question and Answer

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Alrighty it looks like this is the end, I truly hope you guys enjoyed this book. Thank you for all the comments as they made me giggle and smile and I hope at one point I responded. Please remember you guys are always welcome to private message me if you need me, or if your simply bored, or if you got the gossip. 

Location: Cake apartment

Jen aka me: "Alright guys thank you for joining me here today as a few kiddos would like to ask you some cool questions."

Calum: "Well stranger this is our apartment"

Jen: "No time for sass Calum or I'll erase you from this"

Luke: "How did you get into our apartment?" 

Jen: "Uhm, through the door obviously silly Luke"

Jen: "Anyway now let's start off with a question for Liz."

Luke: "Wait when did my mom get here?"

Jen: "Luke stop asking questions you're supposed to be answering them."

Luke: "Jeez sorry."

Jen: "Alright Queen Liz, amazing human bean -perfectlyirwin- would like to ask you the following question, "do u ship it? i ship it, everyone ships it. #cake?"

Liz: "Well sweetheart the answer is yes I am the number one cake shipper in this world and no one will ever take my spot."

Jen: "That was a beautiful answer Liz, but now it's time for the Hemmings brothers"

Luke: "What is going on when did my brothers get here, they haven't even met Calum yet"

Jen: "Lucas! Stop interrupting and the meet will happen in the sequel wink wink"

Calum: "Did you just say wink wink and not actually wink"

Jen:........."ANYWAY, -perfectlyirwin- again, asks the hemmings brothers, "hOW DO U FEEL ABT LUKE BEING A BB? HES SO FLUFFY AND SMOL AGH"

Everyone: "Jen stop screaming!!!"

Jen: "Well that's how the bean typed it jeez quit yelling at me I'm an innocent smol, now answer the darn question"

Jack: "Well since all of us are dominants, we were in a way expecting Luke to also be one but he was also always just so cute"

Ben: "I think it's fine just as long as this here Calum fellow doesn't treat our Lukey wrong or else there will be no more Calum, plus he is a fluffy smol I mean have you seen him"

Calum: "I won-"

Jen: "Calum it is not your turn."

Jen: "Okay that concludes all the questions for Liz and her first two sons you guys are free to go"

Liz: "Finally see you later"


Jen: "And then there were two, okay Cal you're next"

Calum: " Yay!"

Jen: "Yes yay, now mj13660 asked, "If you were to go back and change one thing about your relationship with Luke, what would it be?"

Calum: "Well as cliche as it sounds, I would take back all the mean things I did and said because it wasn't fair to be so disgusting to Luke, or to anybody. He means everything to me and knowing that I hurt him will always eat me up inside."

Ben: *barges back in* "EXCUSE ME HE WHAT"

Jen: "Nothing you don't get to find out till later wink wink"

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