Chapter Nineteen: Aquamarine

Start from the beginning

Abigale marched down the aisle on the arms of her teary-eyed mother and father. Everyone stood to appreciate the beautiful bride. Abigale wore a dress with long sleeves made of lace in the shape snowflakes and a long train that looked so delicate that it might fall apart if Eric touched it. Her hair was up, fixed below a flower crown made of baby's breath that was attached to her veil, which was the length of her dress.

The moment Collin laid eyes on her, tear burst from his eyes. When she arrived by his side, she chuckled and took out his pocket square to wipe away his face. She coxed him into laughing too, along with the crowd and while the priest was speaking Abigale kissed away the rest of the tears. Collin was covered in red kiss marks by the end of the ceremony. The rest of the time, the couple held each other hands and stared into each other's eyes. Collin started crying again when he started his vows. Frances was forced to step up and finish them, though he didn't share the same passion.

Eric couldn't believe he thought that this marriage was a mistake when James matched them. That day felt like a life-time ago. Thinking about it now, regret twisted Eric's stomach. Back then, he was more beast than man. The guilt ran deep as his shame and Eric held James tighter.

"You may now kiss the bride," the priest said and Abigale threw her arms around Collin. He held her waist as he gave her more than just one kiss. Collin dipped her low into one last, long kiss and the ceremony erupted in thunderous applause.

Afterwards, the guests adjourned to the ballroom. It matched the great hall as people were surrounded by a snowy masterpiece. Every table was decorated by miniature Christmas trees, candles and roses. Golden lights were strung across the room among the glittering snowflakes. Before they could sit down, James was taken away to take pictures with the wedding party. Eric let him go, but he wasn't alone for long.

"You've betrayed me with your lovey-dovey crap," Frances grimaced. His arms were crossed as he narrowed his brow at Eric. "We were going to be grumpy old men together. I thought we would be bachelors for life?"

Eric chuckled and squeezed his old friend's shoulder. "I'd say I'm sorry Frances, but I'm not."

Frances scanned Eric's company, pushing the wolf away to offer his hand to Peter. Even though Frances was dead, a spark of wickedness livened his face. "Why hello. The name is Frances, Prince of the Underworld."

"That's quite a mouthful," Peter chuckled and accepted the handshake. However, before Frances could kiss Peter's hand, Delphine smacked the back of Frances' head.

"Ow!" France yelped.

Scowling, she aimed a warning finger at the vampire. "No."

This did not deter Frances. "Don't be jealous Mrs. Kelley." He melted into another greasy smile and unfolded Delphine's fist to place a kiss on her knuckles. "You're still my number one. Shall we dance?"

"Oh, darling," She smiled out of pity. "You couldn't handle it."

Still, she led the vampire to the dance floor. Peter slumped with a sigh. He rested his hands on his hips and glanced behind his shoulder. "I guess I'll check out that dessert bar."

"We could dance," Eric suggested, but the air stirred around him. The hairs on his neck stood and when he turned, he saw just who he expected. James tilted his head, approaching them with the prettiest of smiles. Eric chuckled. "Oh, but I guess I'm spoken for."

"You most certainly are," James wrapped around Eric's arm, pulling him towards the dance floor. A spectacle of blue and silver lights speckled the dance floor, shinning across the party guests. Eric didn't even think to let James' lead, his arms unconsciously wrapping itself around James' waist. James chuckled, knowing Eric's nature far too well.

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