Chapter 29.

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Emily came to my house after school crying the same day I reunited with Miles.

"Emily what's wrong.?" I asked as I hugged her.

"Avery, I don't want to be a mermaid anymore." She said loudly.

Thank god my parents weren't home to hear that.

"Why, not.? Emily what happened.?" I asked worriedly.

"Terry is what happened. It was so scary, I was terrified. She yelled at me because you punched her in the face and then she threw her drink ALL OVER ME.!" She sobbed.

"And then Justin quickly ran with me into the girls bathroom and locked the door just in time. I was seconds away from transforming in front of everybody. Justin had to help dry me off with paper towels because somebody wouldn't answer her phone. But it's okay, I heard you and Miles are okay now and that's what you were doing." She slightly smiled.

"But Avery, I just don't want that to happen again. I could've been taken away to be poked at by scientists." She cried.

I hugged her. I felt so bad that I wasn't there to help her. I just don't know how to help her change back.

I heard my front door open and looked up to see Justin and Miles hurrying over to me and Emily.

"How are we gonna help her change back.?" Justin asked almost immediately.

He clearly feared for her life as well.

"I'm not sure." I shook my head and sat down on the couch with Emily, who was still weeping.

"There has to be some way." Miles sat on a chair across from me.

"What if she just stayed in the moon pool as a mermaid as it bubbled.?" Justin asked.

"I don't know, that's sounds really obvious." Emily said.

"She's right it does sound really obvious. You would think it's at least more complicated." I sat on the edge of the couch.

"But at least it's an idea. And I don't think we have any other choices at the moment." Miles stood up.

"Emily, do you want to try this now or later.?" I asked.

"Now, as soon as possible please." She looked up at us.

Justin helped her up and put his arm around her waist.


"So, full moon tonight.?" I asked.

Miles pulled out his phone. "Should be."

"Okay, so I guess get in the water and we wait until it bubbles. Then see if you change back..?" My voice got higher as I spoke. I was completely unsure about this plan.

"I guess we wait now.?" Justin asked.

"I guess so.." Emily looked down at her tail. "You know, I'm gonna miss it. I've always live mermaids, but it's just so dangerous." A tear fell down her face.

"Aw Emily, I'm sorry." I went to hug her then pulled away before I did.

My actions put a smile on her face. "At least I'll have a sister that's a mermaid." She smiled at me.

I smiled back.

"What're we gonna do while we wait.?" Miles asked.

"Avery could do some mermaid magic.!" She smiled brightly.

"Yeah.!" Justin and Miles smiled.

I looked to the water and moved it up into the air. I made it twirl around and transform into different shapes.

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