Experimental Story Ideas

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So I was in the shower and I came up with some story ideas that I would like to share with you guys to see if they sound interesting enough to read.

The first one is : Falling For A Mortal
This story would be about a teenage girl who is the daughter of the Devil. Her father sent her to earth as a punishment for 'accidently' destroying less than half of Hell. But when Lucifer sends his daughter to earth he doesn't expect her to fall in love with a mere mortal, neither does Quinn the Devils daughter.

My next idea for a story would be called: The Phsycho and The Rebel
This story would be about a teenage girl in highschool who is a rebel. She's know for doing the most daring things and for saying the worst things. Her name is fully known throughout their medium sized town, Avril Gates. Things begin to change when the new guy comes into play. This teenage boy has been in an insane asylum since he was 12 for killing his brother and claiming the 'voices' told him to do it. The doctors diagnosed him as a phsycho then locked him up in an asylum. What if this boys gets too attached to Avril.? What if these voices he hears over powers him.?

And last but not least, this idea comes from a dream I had a few nights ago. It would be called: Camp Experimentals
This would be a story about orphans who are placed into camps. But these aren't any ordinary summer Time fun camps. These camps hold ten kids each who are raised there until they are 18. At these camps, official agents will come in when all the kids are the same age. They will put them through tests to see which child is the toughest both physically and mentally. Once they choose a child they train that one child only to fight, to use weapons, to survive. The rest are left alone to happily live their lives in the camp, watching tv, singing around the camp fire.

Ryder is the chosen one from Camp Osten. She has been training since she was five years old and serving officially in the agency since she was 14. She's now 16 and is the best agent her boss, Jeff Osten has. Every day after completing a mission she takes off in her fighter jet to go back to her camp and be with her friends, the only family she's ever known to have. There at Camp Osten there's a boy that has liked her ever since he found out what love was and what it meant. He worries everyday when she leaves for a mission that she might never come back in the evening. On the other hand, another one of Jeff Ostens agents claims to love Ryder as well. Which guy would Ryder choose.? Would she even choose at all.?

Those are my three story ideas. If you guys wouldn't mind I would love to hear your opinions about these stories and if you would read them. These would be story ideas to start after I finish Mermaid Magic.!

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