Chapter 13.

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I walked with Emily and Justin to a lunch table and we sat down.

"Emily that's amazing." Justin smiled as he listened to her, quietly talking about her new mermaid tail.

"I know right.! Ugh, I'm so happy." She smiled and took a bite of her sandwich.

I poked my fork at my salad. I wasn't really hungry.

"Avery? Are you okay.?" Justin asked moving his head into my peripheral vision.

"Yeah, you usually eat right away." Emily frowned.

I looked up at them and slightly smiled.

"Yeah, guys I'm fine. Don't worry about it." I waved it off and went back to poking and picking at my salad.

Justin and Emily continued talking. I know they just want to help but I don't need it because I'm fine.

I looked over at Miles and Terry. They were talking and laughing.

I don't know how long I was staring but Miles looked over and his eyes met mine.

He smiled and waved at me. I went to smile and wave back but Terry pulled him away and turned his attention toward her.

I sighed and turned away from them. Justin and Emily were both looking at me with concerned looks.

"You know what.? Let's all hang out this weekend. Emily, you, Miles and I." Justin slapped his hand against the table.

I smiled at the thought of us all hanging out, like when we went camping.

"That.. Sounds great." I nodded my head in agreement.

"Yes.!" Emily whisper yelled.

We all laughed together and finished our lunch.


"Okay, how about Sunday.?" Justin asked pacing my bedroom floor.

Emily and I sat on my bed while Justin was on the phone with Miles.

"Alright, well we'll see you then." Justin pressed his lips together and removed the phone from his ear.

"Well, we are on for Sunday." He plopped down on my bed. His stomach faces my ceiling.

"Alright cool, what're we doing on Sunday.?" I asked the both of them.

"Umm, we could have a picnic on the beach.?" Emily suggested.

Justin snapped his fingers and pointed at her. "Bingo." He smiled.

"Sounds like fun." I laid down on my stomach and propped myself up with my elbows.

"Great, sounds like a plan." Emily bounced on the bed.

Hey guys.! Sorry this one is so short, I hope you guys have a great day.!

~The Author.

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