Chapter 6.

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"Guys, this spot would be perfect for camping." Justin said as we all stood in a big open spot that was surrounded by trees.

"Yeah, the ground is flat here and there aren't any stones." I added.

"And this spot is big enough for two tents, a campfire and a table to set food on." Miles added with a mile.

"We should totally camp here.!" Emily danced around the spot.

Justin looked at her then at me and Miles. He shrugged his shoulders and began to dance around with Emily.

Miles and I busted out laughing as did Justin and Emily.

"Maybe this weekend.?" Miles looked around at us.

"Maybe, who's gonna feed Spade.?" I asked.

There was silence for a small moment.

"Just put a bunch of food in there for him. He'll be okay." Miles assured.

"Alright, I'll think about it." I sighed.

"That means yes." Emily laughed.

"No it means I'll think about it." I turned to her.

"Which usually ends up in you saying yes to whatever it is." She smiled.

I sighed and turned to Miles and Justin.

"Why does she have to know me so well.?" I asked smiling while pointing at Emily.

Everyone laughed and I began to walk away.

I pulled out my phone and checked the time.

"Guys it's getting late, we should go." I say shoving my phone back into my pocket.

"Awe alright." Justin pouted.

"I'm sad too, don't worry we'll come back." Emily laughed.

If Emily wasn't my bestfriend and I didn't know her, I would think she was always high. She's always laughing and always has a smile on her face.


We were half way back to the dock when I remembered something. That shiny thing back at the Shire, I never got to find it and see what it was. Maybe next time when we're camping.

We parked Miles' boat next to the dock. We all got out and stood on the dock.

"Well, guess we'll see you guys tomorrow." I waved and began to walk away with Emily.

"Emily, wait." Justin called after her.

She smiled at me then stopped and turned around.

"Yes, Justin.?" She asked smiling.

"Come here." He smiled as he hugged her tightly.

I smiled at the sight. They are so cute. I glanced over at Miles and he was slightly smiling. His hands were in his pockets. A small, shiny, silver chain was hanging out of his pocket.

I wanted to go ask him what it was but Emily and Justin parted ways and we were soon on our way home.

"That was amazing." She smiled.

"This was the best day of my life, I got a hug from my crush, I found out my bestfriend is a.." She got quiet.

"Mermaid." She whispered.

I laughed as did she.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I waved as I walked up to my door and entered.

"See ya." She waved with the same smile.

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