Chapter 26

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Please play the song when I say so! Thank you! Also, welcome to the Kentucky Derby, this will be a good one...



That is what Teddy yelled at the poor taxi driver at 4 am.

"I'm sorry sir."

We arrive at the track early, Teddy still had not eaten bacon, and to say the least, he was not happy about it. I race to Prince's stall he perks his ears up and I hand Liam and the other grooms their coffee. There is a collective thank you and I look at Prince, he nickers.

"Todays the day."

Prince perks his ears up, I can almost feel the confidence rolling off of him.

"Let's start gentle men!" Brian yells walking in.

The grooms clip Princes halter on and start grooming him.

"I lied Prince."

He turns to face me.

"One horse stands in your way today."

Prince nickers.

"Her owner has doubted you and insulted you, I hope you can prove her wrong Prince, I know you can."

Prince licks my hand catching me by surprise, only King did that. The grooms move up his body Prince looks like a diamond in the ruff. His coat gleams, his eyes shine, I look at the time 6:00 a vet comes by and check on Prince giving him the okay. I breathe a sigh of relief. I clip on Prince's lead rope and walk him on the track, it is pure slop I smile.

"It is your favorite kind of track Prince."

The sun glimmered between the clouds but a small drizzle still continued.

"Today, you are going to run how you what, nothing is going to hold you back, you are in the big leagues Prince and you have one purpose, and that is to prove people who ever doubted you wrong, including me."

We turn around and start to make our way back to the barn, in the morning fog there is one thing I can see clearly the silhouette of a woman in a red dress.



It was time. Prince walks out from the saddling paddock and we walk beside him in the parade



"Let him run this line do not hold him back."

Teddy looks at Brian.

"Are you sure?"

Brian looks at me and I nod.

"I agree with Sam."


We walk Prince up to the gate, and I whisper one last thing in his ear.

"You are Royal."

(play song now)

He nickers and the horse begins to load. GoodHeart gets in right next to him and I almost feel his ears pinned. It is calm, the rain is starting to come down faster, Prince's eyes lock with the turf, and the bell rings. The gates shoot open and horse rocket out, Prince gets on the rail a great start. His hooves pound against the turf, dirt flies behind him, his brown eyes search for competition. Teddy sits and looks around the group is behind them now. Prince's muscles flex. GoodHeart is coming up behind him. His hooves contact with the ground again. GoodHeart reaches forward and is soon right next to Prince. Scarlet cheers and I look over at her. Her large red hat is covered in feathers, and she wears a tight red cocktail dress with pricing red lipstick. I look back at the track GoodHeart keeps scooting closer, and I realize what is about to happen. I can't let them take Prince like they took King, I just could not. Scarlet smiles, I stand up my eyes looking wildly around. For a second I see Prince catch my eye, the turn my heart leaps in my throat and GoodHeart comes closer if she inched one more step it could be over for Prince.


"It is all part of the game, isn't Sam?"

The way she said my name made feel dirty, I had to do something, this time I could stop it.


I scream so loud I feel like my throat may fail me, I don't know if he heard but he got the idea. Prince focuses ahead they turn and he kicks a gear leaving GoodHeart behind. He goes faster the rain beating against his chest flying behind him. His eyes set ahead, his nostril flare and he takes a breath and accelerates again. Teddy looks like he is holding on for dear life and Prince accelerates, reaching away from the group. He lengthens his stride and goes faster. GoodHeart is trying to make up for lost ground, Scarlet stomps her foot. Prince's tail flies behind him his head bobbing his hooves meet the ground again. The crowd is cheering his name, he is leading 10 lengths, he rounds the corner the group is far behind him and he stretches out again.

He is here to perform and he knows it. The thunder of hooves is drowned out by the roar of the crowd, Prince springs forward again, his muscles rippling shining in the water. The rain comes down harder the mud sticks to his legs and flies in his face, the track is slop and yet he goes faster 14 lengths ahead now the wire is approaching. I lean forward in my seat, Brian is yelling something, a large grin is on my face. Scarlet is screaming at Goodheart the crowd is roaring and all I hear is silence.

The rain falls on my face and I blink. Everything seems to slow down, Prince spring forward again. GoodHeart races forward her mane flying behind her, Prince is well far ahead. The wire is getting closer I watch the time. He rounds the corner coming down the final stretch his head bobbing at a steady pace. His hooves thunder and goes to the rhythm of my heart that pounds in my chest, Teddy waves the crop and Prince gives it his all sprinting as fast as he can. Now leading 15 lengthens I have no doubt in my mind he will win. His flank shines and his silks are soaked, Teddy's face is covered in mud and Prince crosses the wire, winning the Kentucky Derby I stand up screaming, I hug Brian and fist pump the air. The crowd roars Teddy is waving to the crowd and Prince is starting to slow down. Someone jerks the collar of my shirt.

"I will beat you Sam, one way or another."

I smirk and release myself from her grasp.

"I'm sorry Scarlet, but I don't think you will."

"This is not the end Sam!"

"Your right we are just warming up."

I turn leaving her speechless and walk down to the winner circle. I pat Prince's neck waving to the crowd and the cameras Prince lifts his head looking at the crowd, they get silent and he trumpets his winning whiny. They cheer again and we are awarded the prize. A microphone is shoved in my face.

"Sir you have just won the Kentucky Derby, how do you feel?"


"How do you think Prince performed today?"

"He was amazing, he has blown my mind and proved many people wrong today."

"We will see you in the Preakness?"


"How do you think Prince feels now?"


The crowd roars and the press hound us as we try to make our way back to the barn, the police hold them back and reality sinks in, we just won the Kentucky Derby.

Aww Yay! Go Prince! Welp thoughts on this chapter would be appreciated in the comments and votes. I have noticed the steady decline in reads on this book but that will not stop me from updating. Anyway enjoy!

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