Chapter 19

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The vet runs through the door.

"Sorry for the delay, traffic."

He starts unpacking his equipment forcing medicine in Prince's mouth, I closed my eyes and rub his nose. I hate vets, with the good or bad news. Prince breaths warm air into my nose and licks at me hand, looking for treat. That must be a good sign. I open my eyes the vet is starting to clean up his area and reaches for my hand I shake it.

"Do you know what caused the colic?"

"Someone put sand in his food."

The vet shakes his head, "People theses days, good luck buddy." 

The vet rubs Prince's nose and walks out. I breath a sigh of relief.

"I thought I may lose you, Prince," I say rubbing his nose he closes his eyes half way and calms down. 

I turn to face Brian and Teddy who both look reliefed.

"I don't trust him in these stalls anymore, he was easily sabotaged."

"I have anothor trailer we can use, has bigger stall spaces we can just keep him in there."

Teddy shakes his head, "We will have a groom watch him all night."

I think wondering what will be better.

"We should go with Teddy's idea," I say, Brian agrees and a groom watches Prince sitting on his tack trunk.

"Thanks, Liam," I say.

"Anything for Prince sir."

I smile, I knew Prince was in safe hands.

"Night Prince, no more sand for you."

Prince snorts, what an agreeable horse. We walk out of the barn, the worry of Prince is still in the back of my mind. I know knew who I needed to watch out for, Kool Kid was not only Prince's rival, but he also had people behind him that played dirty.

"You do know, it could have been someone else," Brian says shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Brian, I do not understand how you can still stand up for these things," I say turning around.

"Pick a side," Teddy grumbles and we walk into the lobby of the hotel.

"Prince could have died tonight," I say, the elevator slowly goes up.

"Yeah!" Teddy says offering his input.

"I don't know, I guess I have known them longer, the sport can have that effect on people."

I grumble not thinking of a good response. Brian gets off and we wave goodbye. Tommorrow would be a big day.


We loaded Prince in the trailer, wanting to get out of Kool Kid's clutches as soon as possible. It was scary to think we had already made enemies this early in his career. Ace calmed Prince down and a groom sat in the back with them. 

"I just realized something," Teddy says.


"We could have opened the other door to the trailer instead of going through the roof."

I mentally facepalm.

"Well we are stupid," Brian says laughing.

I laugh agreeing with him.

"Excuss me?"

I turn to look at the reporter from yesterday.

"Yes, you are asking about King?"

"Yes, do you mind answering my questions?"

I take a deep breath, "Sure."

Teddy glances at Brian.

"What was King like in the barn?"

"He was very calm, didn't make much of a fuss, he was really a great horse."

"How did you name King?"

"He really just did come as a King, always was royal."

"For fans of King, where they can get more information about him?"

I look back at Brian, who shrugs.

"I guess your show?"

The reporter laughs, "One more question."


"What was your favorite thing about King?"

My brain freezes, I loved everything about King, it would be hard to pick one thing.


"Um, sorry. He was my best friend, it was so hard to lose him, I still have not gotten over it. It would have been the way he would have wanted to go."

The reporter, "Thank you, sorry for your loss."

"Thank you."

I get in the passenger seat of the truck and Brian drives, there is an uncomfortable silence, and now one addresses the elephant in the room. Brian turns on the radio and we listen to the music, I look out the window, the landscape passing us. When we get back to the farm we unload Prince and Ace, Call me Classy look out of his stall door and Prince walks inside his own. The next few weeks we ran him lightly preparing for the next race, I knew he would be ready for it, he was craving to run. 

This race would be 8 1/2 furlongs and Prince was doing great with the longer distances. He was focused on out running the horse in front of him and was schooling with Call me Classy, who he beat almost every single time. He hated it when he lost, it would only be by a nose, but he would run harder the next time. Prince had so much determination, it made him seem hard headed at times.

Brian stopped the timer again, "Good run Jerry!"

Prince did not look tired and I knew he was ready to be shipped to San Anita, this would be his next race and I knew he was ready for it. I boarded a plane and was on my way ready for him. Prince arrived in his trailer and we unloaded him into his stall, I picked up a coffee for Liam.

"Thank you, sir."

"Anytime Liam."

Prince looked out of his stall, his eyes scanning his surroundings.

"This will be your last race as a two year old, Prince."

He snorts blowing warm air into my hand, it only seemed like yesterday he was a little baby, small and cute. He was still cute, not as small anymore. I clip on his lead rope, he is wearing a blanket and some boots and I walk him around the track. It is empty just for us, I hear a small murmur behind us and a flash, the press must have found us. I look over my shoulder, a small group of people are watching us.

The fog is setting and Prince reaches his head down so he can graze. When he is done we walk around the track, he looks around. I can imagine the people in the stands cheering for him, cheering for my Prince. I hope he knows how loved he is. I hope he knows how highly I think of him.

================================================================This was a filler chapter but still let me know what you think. Thanks so much for 200+ reads. It means so much to me. Please vote and comment.


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