Chapter 6

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Loretta would come to tomorrow and I was ready for the foal to have a name, within limits. I spent the day watching him over the stall wall. He was taking his nap and Queenie seemed relieved. I grabbed a treat out of the bin and held it out to her. She stretched her neck and softly grabbed it from my hand. My eyes drifted over to her foal, he was in the soft bedding, his eyes were closed, Queenie had her ears flopped down she rested her back foot. I leaned back so I could see the track, one day I hoped he would race on it. I had such high hopes for him, I hoped he would take the racing world by storm.


Loretta came through the door to the house her vacuums dragging behind her.


"Yes, Mr.Whitehall?"

"Please call me Sam."

"Alright, Sam."

"The foal has been born."


"He has been nameless for awhile, we have been waiting for you."

Loretta carefully sets down her cleaning supplies and I lead her toward the barn. I open the door and she walks inside to Queenie and her foal. The colt raises his head and stands up I grab a lead rope and walk Queenie out the foal following closely behind, his black coat shimmering and he looks like a gem.

"He is beautiful," Loretta says looking at him.

The colt whinnied and stays near Queenie.

"He is a little Prince," Loretta says smiling.

"What will his name be?"

"Can I think about it?

I nod and open the door for her and we walk back to the house. I sit on the couch flipping through the channels as Loretta vacuums under my feet. Teddy walks out and sits next to me and we watch the news. I can hear the bacon sizzle and Teddy lick his lips.

"Has Loretta made a name for the foal?"

"Not yet she has to think about it."

Teddy nods and turns his attention back toward the news. The reporter was talking about the weather when Loretta ran into the living room.

"I got it!"

I mute the TV and turn my head. Teddy mumbles a protest and looks at Loretta.

"You got what?"

"His name! What do you think of Purely Prince?!"

Teddy pauses for a moment and thought about it.

"I love it," I say nodding my head, Loretta beams.

"I agree it is a great name, we can call him Prince around the barn."

I nod and unmute the Tv, Purely Prince was a great name. The reporter is talking about dense fog and rain. I sigh, she switches over to politics and I shut off the TV.

"Hey, I was watching that!" Teddy protested.

"You are fine, there is bacon."

As if on cue Loretta slides the bacon on the plate and hands it to Teddy who forgets to be angry and stuffs his face. I laugh and eat my own breakfast, looking out the window to see the morning fog in the paddock. The reporter was right it was going to be rainy today.

"We need a blanket for Queenie," I say looking at Teddy.

"Can't we just keep her in her stall?"

"She and Prince need exercise, besides she needs a blanket anyway."

He nods and goes to get ready. I grab the keys to the truck and hop in the driver's side waiting for him. Teddy hops in and we pull out of the driveway. The thick fog covers most of the road. The rain beats on the windshield and the windshield wipers do nothing to stop it. I squint trying to see better. We continue to drive suddenly a deer jumps out from the bushes.

I screech to the side trying to avoid it. Teddy grips his arm rests another car slams into ours. I hear glass break and a large sound of metal unwillingly bending. We spin, the tires had no traction on the wet road. The world goes upside down and we slide forward. The truck slams to a stop and I cry out in pain, Teddy says nothing and I am not sure if he is still awake. I can faintly see smoke something coming from the hood, the everything is a blur bright lights loud noises and the distant sound of rain against the windshield of the car. I force my eyes to stay open until it is no longer in my control. I want to throw up, but I don't have the energy.

Spots dance on the outside of my vison. I blink just a little longer, then I will be ok. I try to remember what happened, the deer why the deer? Who hit us? I think, not everything was coming back. I try to move, the spots starting to get bigger, a shooting pain is sent up my leg and I scream. I smell burning rubber, I don't know I have been awake this long. Soon I can't help it, my eyes get droopy and I slowly close them. I am too tired, I can't fight any longer. All I see is the darkness of the early morning, and I feel completely numb.

============================================================Hey everyone! Just put on the new cover, what do you guys think? I got the pictures from WeHeartIt, and did the editing on Phonto. Tell me your thoughts about this chapter in the comments. Please don't forget to vote, Thanks.

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