Chapter 8

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Sam's POV:

Beep, Beep, Beep.

"I think he is waking up."


"Mr.Whitehall? Mr.Whitehall sir please wake up."

"Sam wake up right now or-"

"Ms.Perez please calm down."

My eyes open slowly.

"Loretta?" My voice is raspy.

"Sam I was so worried about you," She says coming to my side.

"How are you here?" I say barely above a whisper.

"I may or may not have told them I was your girlfriend," She says blushing.

I laugh giving her a small smile.

"I had to make sure you were ok," She said smiling back.

The doctor comes by my side and starts asking me questions.

"Do you remember what happened yesterday Sam?"

"Me, me and Teddy were driving to Tractor Supply," I paused to cough.

"The road was terrible the rain was so thick you could not see anything and it was dark outside making it worse. A deer jumped in front of the truck and I swerved so I could not hit it. I swerved into the other lane and another car hit us and we spun out of control. We then hit something else and I felt a sharp pain."

The doctor nodded and scribbled some things on his clipboard.

"That sharp pain you felt was your leg, it was broken when the other car hit you."

I nod understanding more of the crash now.

"Your friend Teddy was knocked out when you collided with a tree, he only has some cuts and bruises and a minor concussion. I want you both to stay here for a few days."

I breathe a sigh of relief happy to know Teddy was ok. I look around the hospital room was almost all white, Teddy's bed was beside me, I could see he was still sleeping. Loretta smiles and pulls out a couple strips of bacon.


"You know me so well."

She smiles and pulls out a paper plate from her purse putting the bacon on the plate handing it to me. The smell wakes up Teddy who looks over to see me eating his favorite food.



"How are you here?"

"I told them I was Sam's girlfriend."

Teddy laughs and Loretta hands him some bacon. He sits up and starts to eat looking up at me.

"Are you ok?"

"I broke my leg."

"Dang, how do you feel?"

"A little tired."

"Who is going to take care of Prince and Queenie?"

My half closed eyes shoot open.

"I don't know," I say starting to freak out.

"I will," Loretta says smiling.

We stop and look at her.

"Do you know anything about horses?" Teddy finally says.

"Um, no."

"I can learn," Loretta says pulling out a notepad.

"How much stuff do you have in there?" Teddy says peeking over the bed.

Loretta rolls her eyes and puts the bag on the floor.

"This is a bad idea," I say looking at her.

"It is not like I am going to kill them, God, have some faith."

I sigh and start telling her the schedule.

"Make sure they go out  in the paddock, put the lead rope on Queenie and Prince will follow."

Loretta nods and jots that down. When we finish telling her she nods and says her goodbyes.

"This is such a bad idea," I say turning to Teddy.

His eyes are closed and he is snoring softly, I laugh he must have fallen asleep. My leg is wrapped in a cast and it is elevated. I sigh, I would probably be on crutches for awhile. A nurse comes in to check my vitals, when she is done she hands me the remote and I watch some TLC. When Teddy wakes up again I switch to the news. 

"Breaking News President-"

I switch to the next channel earning a groan from Teddy.

"Come on!" He whines.

"You're fine."

"I have a concussion."

"And I have a broken leg, now shush we are watching TLC."

Teddy gives me a huff and slumps down in the bed watching TV. A nurse comes in a little bit later to check his vitals.

"How do you feel?" I say to Teddy muting the TV.

"I said, I was fine."

"No I mean like really how do you feel, Loretta is not here anymore."

Teddy sighs and looks down not meeting my eyes. His voice comes back a little above a whisper.

"I don't want to talk about it."

I nod and look up at the ceiling. Teddy has his eyes closed and I slowly close mine.

Burning rubber, a loud screech, smoke coming from the hood. A pain shoots up my leg and I cry out. My eyes open and I sit up straight. Sweat rolls down my face, I breathe in and out in and out trying to calm down. I look around the room Teddy's arms wrap around me. I start to relax.

"I get them too," Teddy says quietly, and I slowly nod. 

"They will pass." He says I gulp down my fear.

He goes back to his bed and lies down and I close my eyes again, hoping not to see any more of the car crash that we were in. I just wanted a peaceful night so I could sleep. I thought of Prince and let my mind wander, hoping it would help. I thought of his eyes, his large brown eyes, his strong legs, how he ran through the pasture, I thought about how fast he could go if he truely wanted to, the power he held. I slowly fell asleep thinking about my Prince.

Well I'm sorry again. I uploaded a day late.... Again. So sorry about that, I will try to stick to my schedule but some times I do forget. Thanks for being patient with me! Please vote and comment to tell me what you thought about the chapter.


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