Chapter 7

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Loretta POV:

I hum as I sweep the kitchen. I hope this paycheck would be enough to cover for a nice spa day, I definitely needed one. I bet this job was not the ideal for most people, but I loved my work. Working for Teddy was amazing, I got paid extra and I made him bacon when I worked. When Sam arrived I was a little confused but after Teddy told me he was a guest I did not ask any more questions, it was not my job. I pulled the mop out of my bag and filled the bucket with water adding soap. I began mopping the floor listening to the radio that was softly playing in the background.

 I look at the door expecting Teddy and Sam to be back already, they were only grabbing a blanket, right? I shrug my shoulders, maybe it is harder than that. I never understood how people love horses so much, they seem like a waste of money and time. I would never tell Teddy or Sam that, it was their passion and I would not hate on it, I am just glad I was able to name Prince. I take out me Swiffer Jet and add a final touch on the floors. The kitchen looks spotless and I move onto the rest of the house. When I get to Sam's room, I see he has redecorated a bit. I look at the picture of the horse he was crying over. In the corner, it says My King. I put the frame back and dust the room. The home phone starts to ring and I put down the duster and pick it up.


"Who is this?"

"Loretta Perez."

"Do you know Teddy Hitwell or Sam Whitehall?"


"There has been an accident." 

My breath hitches in my throat and I listen to the operator.

"They are currently at Hillmary Hospital."

"Thank you, I will be there."

My breath becomes ragged. The operator had not given me any details other than they are both unconscious. A tear slips my eye, this is why they were not back yet, for all I know they could be dead. I hop in my car grabbing a few pieces of bacon. I speed down the road squinting to see. The morning fog was starting to lift, and the Sun was starting to come through the clouds. The hospital was 30 minutes away. I push on the pedal harder, I pass a white car and I hope it isn't a cop.

Sirens blare and I silently curse and pull over. A male cop comes out of the car and peers in my window. I roll it down for him and quickly look at the time.

"Maam do you know how fast you were going?"

"I am so sorry sir, I am going to the hospital, my- my-"

"Maam, calm down, who is in the hospital?"

"My boyfriend," I say crying, knowing it would be the only way they would let me in the hospital.

The cop runs his hand through his hair.

"It is bad?" He finally says.

I hiccup not being able to control myself, all I can do is a nod.

"I will give you a warning miss, I hope he gets better."

"Thank you, sir," I say running my hands in my purse for looking for my license, I hand it to him and he takes it back to his car giving me a small smile.

He hands it back to me and I drive off drying my eyes and watching my speed. When I get to the hospital I run to the front desk.

"Sam Whitehall?!" I say frantically.

The receptionist types in her keyboard and looks up at me.

"Who are you?"

"Loretta Perez, his girlfriend."

She nods and types some more things in her computer.

"I'm sorry you can not go in at this time he is still in surgery and Teddy is unconscious. I sob putting my hands in my face.

The receptionist gets up and comes over to comfort me.

"Shh, it's ok." She says.

I nod, it was only this morning they were both fine and well.

"They say he will be fine after the surgery." She says, and I quiet my crying.

"I will send someone down to sit with you." She says leaving me to ring the phone.

I look up at the sign, Hillmary support, care, and friendship. They really did follow up with their slogan. A nice looking lady with long nails and straight black hair comes out of the elevator.


"Me," I said sniffling.

She smiles and we sit in the waiting room.

"Tell me  about your boyfriend."

I mentally freeze, I don't know much about Sam.

"Well, he owns racehorses," I say.

She nods and I continue.

"We just got a new horse she just had her baby."

The lady smiles, "Really?"

"Yeah," I feel myself start to calm down.

"His name is Purely Prince, I got to name him." I smile realizing how lucky I have been.

"That is such a cute name."

"Thank you."

"What color is he?"

"He is black and had a white streak on his face." 

I realize there is probably more of a technical term for it, that Sam or Teddy would know, but I clean the house, not the barn.

"Do you have a picture?"

I shake my head, and she nods. Another nurse comes out and looks around.

"Loretta Perez?"

"That would be me."

"You may come in now."

I thank the lady who sat with me and follow the nurse. 

"They are both unconscious and we don't know when they will wake up." She says softly.

I nod numbly and follow her as she turns. The nurse looks down at her clipboard trying to avoid eye contact. When we get to the room she opens the door and lets me walk in before closing it. 

Teddy looked terrible, with cuts and bruises everywhere. Other than that he seemed fine. My eyes drifted over to Sam. His leg was wrapped in a white boot cast and was elevated. His eyes were closed and his lip was busted. A large bruise covered must of his face. A small tear escaped my eye, I walked over to their beds putting my chair between the two. I then looked up and started to pray, hoping they would be ok.
Im so sorry about the late update eve ryone. It honestly slipped my mind. On that note what did everyone think of this Chapter? Please vote and comment.

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