Chapter 18

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"Look, he is a fast horse he will just burn out and Kool Kid can win this one."

I bit my tongue and listened to Kool Kid's owner and trainer talk.

"Look at him walk he is just so full of himself."

I think my tongue is starting to bleed.

"He won't be able to win, we have a great chance."

I can't take it anymore. I whip around and look the trainer dead in the eyes.

"My horse will not only beat your horse but every single horse on the field because he has one thing your horse does not have, a purpose. My horse is a Prince and you should treat him like one because one day you will be kissing the ground he walks on because it will be holy. No shut your mouths so I can watch my horse in peace."

I turn back around, Kool Kid's entourage is silent and the remaining horses are loaded into the gates. The bell rings and Teddy gets Prince right behind Kool Kid, I smile Prince is doing great. He pulls on his reins wanting to go ahead of his rival.  His feet hit the ground and dirt flies behind them. Kool Kid's trainer thinks his horse is doing great, he has to no idea what is coming next. One of the horses is coming in from behind Prince watches him closely, I glance at my sheet, number 8 Gaining On in gaining ground. They come around the turn and Teddy leads Prince out, Prince takes one look at Kool Kid and roars to life passing him easily. His mane flies behind him and he accelerates, Gaining On his coming behind him, but Prince goes faster crossing the wire, winning his second race. I stand and look at Kool Kid's trainer, funder, supporters, and owner.

"Good day gentlemen." I walk away leaving them shocked.

We take the trophy and the picture and walk Prince back to the barn. We wash him and dry him off, I am a little nervous so I put cooling boots on his legs. He does not seem to mind and he rests his back foot. Brian scribbles some things in his note book and looks up.

"I saw you had a heated to discussion with Kool Kid's people."

"They are not people," I mutter.

"Yes, they are, please try to be civil. I am friends with some of them-"

"They are heartless, did you hear what they said about Prince?!"

"People can have opinions, Sam."

I grump about this knowing it was true.

"Fine, but I am not apologizing."

"Fair enough, can you at least say they have a heart?"


Teddy walks in a scowl on his face.

"What happened?" I say, my tone is gruff.

"I can not believe the nerve of people!"

Prince leans over his stall.

"Who?" Brian says.

"Kool Kid's people stopped me outside of the jockey weigh in, wanted me to be Kool Kid's jockey."

"What did you say?" My blood starts to boil.


"Good, Brian?"


"They are heartless and not people."

Brian sighs, "We are back at square one."

We start to walk back to the hotel, our win is over shadowed by the threat Kool Kid's people impose on us. Teddy kicks a rock and Brian grumbles, I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"We need to go back."



I start running back to the barn, Teddy chasing after me. Brian puffs his cigarette but follows. I reach the barn, Kool Kid's people exit laughing. I rush inside Prince looks up, panic in his eyes. He rolls and I look in his food, some one put sand inside. My fists ball up and I look at Prince, his eyes show pain and he rolls again. I grab a lead rope and clip it on forcing him to stand up. I walk him down the ilse way.

"Call the vet!"

Teddy pulls out his phone.


"Sir calm down."

"You calm down!"

"We will send a vet down, and I am calm FYI. I take medation."

Teddy hangs up the phone and paces with us. Prince whinnies and walks with me keeping the pace. Prince's eyes search around the barn wildly. Kool Kid turns and faces his butt toward us.

"Classy," I mutter glaring at the colt.

Prince shakes his head but I make him keep walking, his eyes search mine I nod at him letting him know he will be ok.

"Come on Prince the vet will be here shortly."

I make him walk longer.

"Where is the vet?!" I grumble loudly.

Teddy reaches for his phone again. The lady talks on the other end and Teddy gets frustrated.

"I. Do. Not. Care. You. Take. Meditation. Get me the vet, NOW!"

He hangs up, and Prince snorts, at least some one finds this comical. His eyes show pain again, Ace whinnies out to him, Prince gives a choked reply. I walk him, doing another lap.

"Why did they poison his food?!" Teddy asked running his hand through his hair.

"Because they are heartless things," I reply glaring at Brian.

"They are not even people anymore?!" Brian says rolling his eyes.

"NO!" Teddy and I yell.

Brian huffs and starts calling people.

"Look I have a horse colicing, we have called your clinic multiple times, where is the vet?" Brian says calmly, I think he is the only one.

The lady says something into the phone.


He pauses to listen to her.

"30 minutes, ok, thank you."

"30 MINUTES!" I yell scaring Prince who looks like he is in pure pain.

I rub my hand on his nose and continue to walk him.

"Just keep doing what you're doing, he will be fine."

Prince tosses his head and screams. I continue to walk him whispering comforting words scared to see what would happen next to him, he seemed to understand the situation and listen the best he could, I hoped this would not be the last time I see him.

================================================================Hey everyone! I published on time this time! So what is every thoughts? Personally I think Teddy over reacted but that's me. Vote and Comment so I know what you think.

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