Chapter 13

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Hello, small authors note, the song above is from Spirit Stallion of Cimarron and obviously, I don't own it, but for this chapter to really work, please play the song where I say so, it will make sense later, enjoy! ;)

================================================================================The next months were so slow, I would visit Prince every week, and he seems to be doing better. I would lean over his stall door and whisper something in his ear. Call me Classy would always watch our little meetings, I felt oddly crept by that horse. Today Brian had called me saying that I needed to come over quickly. I left Teddy a note and hoped in my truck speeding off toward Brian's. When I rounded the corner I saw Prince in full racing tack being walked out.

Brian rushed over to me, "Sam."

"What is wrong?!"

"Nothing, I thought you would want to see this practice run."

"You had me all worried," I say glaring at him.


Brian shrugs and we walk behind Prince. The training jockey hops on and Prince's eyes set on the track.



"Brace yourself, he is fast."

And with that Brian gave a signal, Prince shoots forward scaring me, he ran straight past his competition.

"TAKE THAT CLASSY!" I scream at the Chestnut far behind Prince.

Brian laughs watching Prince. His strides are long and his head is level he gets faster when the jockey waves the crop in front of his eyes. Prince crosses the wire and Brian stops his timer.

"15 seconds, new record." 

I grin, and look over at Brian who scribbles something in his notebook.

 Prince slowly winds down, I see him look at me out of his eye, looking for my reaction. I give him a smile and a nod, he stretches out his neck and slows down some more. Soon they walk over to us and get closer to my horse. I rub his blaze and his eyes droop a bit.

"Great job," I say to the training jockey.

"Thanks," He hops off and a groom takes Prince.

I watch them walk away Brian follows behind them and I walk with him.

"I had no idea he was that fast."

Brian smiles at me, "You were right he has a large stride."

We stop at Prince's stall, his tack is already off and the grooms are taking it away.

"I have great expectations for him," Brian says turning to look at me.

"I do too."

Prince looks over the stall door and I pet his face. His eyes get droopy saw I rub that spot some more. 

"He does have some, problems."

I look up and Prince's ears shoot forward as if to say, 'What do you mean? I'm perfect!'

"What do you mean?" I say confused, Prince looked great out there.

"He sticks straight on the fence, someone could easily run into him, he could get hurt Sam. He runs so fast he may burn himself out, he needs to learn patience. He pulls against the jockey, I have already had an injury because of him."

I look at Prince, I knew these things were true.

"He is hot headed," I finally say.

"I need to train him more, come back in a few weeks."

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