Chapter 20

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Ok, more Spirit. I know I know, but the soundtrack is just amazing. So please play the song, where I say so and it will just make the chapter so much more amazing. Thanks!


Champion in our Midst?

By: John Welker

Many horses have raced on San Aitana Track. but only one will win.

Horses chances are on the line today and the odds are these.

Purely Prince: 3:1

Kool Kid: 5:1

Gaining On: 7:1

Getting Gold: 10:1

HailingHorseshoes: 14:1

Jack Jones: 18:1

Purely Prince is on his winning streak and has been seen on his work outs doing very well. His top competitor Kool Kid has been known to pull ahead at the last second like he did at Sunflower Stakes. Purely Prince's owner and trainer trained the Kentucky Derby and Breeders Cup winning horse Came as King, but will Purely Prince live up to those standards? Sometimes an owner can only have one winner. Purely Prince could be Sam Whitehall's lucky ticket to a go at the Tripple Crown, and getting back to the racing world after Came as King's unfortunate death at the Breeders Cup. Kool Kid is on his rise however and even though Purely Prince has beaten him every time they have raced together the odds may be in his favor.

I furrow my eyebrows at the last sentence, if only the public knew about what Kool Kid's people did to Prince, I would never forgive them. We took Prince out to practice one last time before tomorrow running him only 6 furlongs, he passed the wire quickly and looked at me if to say, 'That was too easy Sam,' I give him a nod and he slows down to cool off. The grooms put on his cooling boots and Brian scribbles something in his notebook.

"Do you think he is ready for tomorrow?" I say looking at Brian.

Brian nods, "He is, but so is his competition, I am a little concerned."

Prince looks up, I give him a peppermint and he chews on it keeping his eyes on Brian.

"Kool Kid has been running great, and Gaining On is running better than ever before."

"I have respect for Gaining On," I say.

"Respect or not, he can still beat Prince, and we have to watch out."

"He ran great today."

"Will he run great tomorrow?"

I sigh and rub Prince's nose looking into his eyes. The leave me mesmerized and he blinks, I nod at him and he snorts.

"He will run perfectly tomorrow."

"What ever you say," Brian says, he rubs Prince's nose and walks away.

"You can run right behind Kid," I say to Prince pointing to the horse down the hall.

Then when people think he is bout to win, scoot out and run as fast as you will and watch out for Gaining On." I point to the other horse.

Prince licks my hand, either agreeing of looking for more treats.

"Then it is settled," I say giving him another peppermint.

"You are going to have to cut back the mints Prince, you will get fat."

Prince takes the mint from my hand and eats it, his ears roll back.

"Just looking out for you."

I give him another pat and I walk away, Liam comes and sits by him watching out colt.


(play song now)

The track is dry, and the Sun is hot, even in the spring of March. The groom slips on Prince's silks and I walk out with him. Prince looks into the crowd, they cheer and the announcer comes on.

"Welcome to San Antia Park!"

The crowd roars.

"This is the Front Runner Stakes! Horses are now being loaded into the gates!"

I sit down, Brian sits next to me, Kool Kid's people sit a good distance away from us.

"The horses are finished being loaded and..."

There is a silence, the bell rings and the horse shoots forward.

"Thier off!"

Prince comes forward, his black coat gleams in the hot sun, Teddy positions him behind Kool Kid. My colt's tail flys behind him, he eyes set dead ahead on the track. They round a corner, the hooves thunder but the roars of the crowd drowns it out. Gaining On is coming around the outside and Brian sighs, I ignore him and watch Prince. I creep forward in my seat, Prince pulls on his reins and Teddy keeps him back, Prince is trying to out run them all. His muscles pulse and Kool Kid runs him into the fence. My first tighten, I glance at Kool Kid's people who smile. Prince trips but regains his stride and Kool Kid goes forward. Cheater never prosper was something I learned over the years and I hoped it would work with me today.

He pulls again wanting to go forward. Teddy keeps him right behind Kid and Prince tosses his head. Gaining On is starting to gain ground and Teddy looks at him. Prince pulls harder and I think his mouth might bleed, Teddy finally gives in, and Prince roars to life kicking another gear. Kool Kid is neck to neck with him and Teddy waves his whip Prince rockets forward using the energy he has stored, Kool Kid is coming behind him. 

Teddy angles Prince so he can see the competition, he pours his heart into his stride and races forward using every bit he has left. His mane flies behind him, a small froth is in his mouth. He looks at the wire that is approaching. Gaining On advances quickly, I watch Prince, stretching his neck forward he lengthenings his stride and kicks another gear, wanting to win,

"Purely Prince is leaving the the group, 1 length."

I hold my breath.

"4 lengths."

Kool Kid is trying to recover ground his jockey waves the crop.

"8 lengths. He has won folks!"

The crowd roars as Prince crosses the wire, I breathe a sigh of relief and cheer. I hug Brian and walk down to winning circle. I rub circles on Prince's blaze he really is sweaty, it must be the Sun. We walk back toward the barn.

"You won again Prince, I am so proud of you." I murmur, Prince's ears perk up.

He is so strong and young, I have been waiting for a horse like this. I thought I had it with King, looks like I was just warming up. Prince was better than ever and was on a large winning streak. He looks up cameras flash and I pause trying to make my way through the crowds trying to pet him. Police are holding back people and Prince gives them a signature whiny before we finally make it to the barn. I give him a peppermint and he nickers and we put on his cooling boots. Giving him a wash I decide to keep him here for the next race since he had been moving around a lot, he did not mind the track either which was a good sign, I hoped it would be cooler next time for him, I was so proud of his win. 

================================================================What did you guys think? Did the song go with this scene? Let me know in the comments. Please vote and comment.


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