Chapter 22

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Prince snaps up and looks at me and Brian stops talking to the jockey to stare.


"Renegade Water."

"Never heard of them."

I roll my eyes and show the video to Brian who looks unimpressed.

"I've heard of Aquafina and Dasani never, Renegade water."

"Well act you know them, we are having their logo on our silks and Prince is doing a commercial with them."

"Lovely, The Arkansaw Derby is in two weeks, we should ship Prince tomorrow."

"Sounds good."


I look at the planner I had just bought, I wrote down Prince's schedule and added him being shipped tomorrow, along with the day he would be filmed for the commercial.

"I'm so happy that we found a sponser."

Teddy nods and turns up the radio in the truck.

"It is really great!" I say louder over the music.

Teddy turns the music so it is blasting.

"Fine, I get the hint."

I fold my arms over my chest and look out the window, imagining Prince running beside the truck. The next day Teddy and I boarded the plane heading to Oaklawn track. The child in front of us screamed again, I rest my head back trying to ignore him for the fifth time. His mother was trying to calm him down and I did not know how much more I could take. The little girl behind us kept kicking my seat and her father could not control her either. I was considering taking my chances and jumping off the plane with a parachute. Teddy looked like we had the same thought. I look over at him to see him glaring at me.


"Next time we are getting first class."

"It was expensive."

"It would be better than this."

I sigh and try to ignore the chaos around us, I could imagine Prince in his comfy trailer and no screamy kids, lucky horse.


I look at my planner, Prince had been running great for the past week and is loving the track. Brian stops his stop watch.

"Great time Jerry! We have broken the track record!"

We cheer and Prince takes his cool down laps. We walk him back ready for the derby tomorrow, I hoped he would do great. I remember when King used to race on this track.

*Flash back*

The crowd roared to life.

"Came as King is ruling this track! Ahead of the group he is leading by 13 lengths!"

I jump up in my seat.


"Came as King is coming down the stretch, at 16 lengths ahead of the group I think he will win this one Herald I can not wait to see him in the Kentucky Derby."

"You're right Jonh, this colt really has some magic."

King raced down the stretch the group falling behind. The world seemed to slow down and I watched every hoof rise and fall, his breath in the warm air, he kicked another gear and I watched him pass the wire. I cheer and hug Brian, Teddy is starting to slow down King and we make our way to the winner's circle. A reporter is at my side.

"What did you think of Came as King;'s performance today Mr.Whitehall?"

"He was amazing as usual be sure to look for him in the Derby."

"We will thank you."


*End of Flash Back*

I sigh and continue to walk, King would always be in the back of my mind. Prince went into his stall and nibbled at my hand for treats. I slipped him a peppermint and he quietly munched on it as I stroked his mane.

"Good job Prince."

His softly nickered and I rub his face.

"Do you think he is ready?" I ask Brian.

"Yeah, he should be all good," Brian says scribbling things in his notebook.

Teddy walks in and Prince nudges him for a peppermint. Tedy slips him a sugar cube and Prince gladly takes it perking his ears forward.

"Just ride him like usual and he should be fine Teddy, this race is no different, I don't think Kool Kid is here."

Teddy nods and squishes Prince's nose, our colt snorts and tosses his head, I shoot Teddy a glare, he only shrugs.

"How about Gaining On? Is he here?"

"Unfortunately yes."

I sigh, there still is major competition.

"Don't worry Sam, Prince can beat him."

I nod, "I hope so."


Current Odds:

Purely Prince: 1:2

Gaining On: 1:2

Chasing Chances: 2:3

Hidalgo: 1:5

Jinx Onyx: 1:7

Black Knight: 1:9

BraveisthenewBeatiful: 1:10

Prince seemed uneasy and it worried me. We put on his silks and started to walk out, the crowd cheered when they saw him.

"Number 1 we have Purely Prince, who is still on his winning streak, whether he wins or loses today we hope to see him in the Run for the Roses."

The Megatron shows Prince and the crowd cheers. They continue to show other horses and soon they are loaded in the gate. The bell sounds and Prince makes his way to the front. I see Gaining On inching his way up from the back, which is wierd this early on in the race. Prince rockets forward his muscles pulsing with each stride. His ears pinned back and he listens to Teddy, who has him right behind Black Knight in the front runner position.

I remember Chasing Chances from Prince's first race, he also is doing very well. The horses are coming down the stretch Teddy pulls Prince out and waves the crop, Prince responds and rockets forward. Gaining on comes in close to him. The reach out neck and neck, Prince pushes his nose forward and Gaining On tries to reach out farther. teddy waves his crop in the last effort to move Prince farther and they passed the wire. I hold my breath only a picture could tell the result now.

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