Chapter 12

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Prince loaded into the trailer, his eyes wide, his ears scanning. Teddy loaded Ace to calm him down, they quietly ate hay and we closed the door. We drove to Brian's, my foot tapped the ground in anticipation. Teddy laughed and turned the radio up, I smiled the horse trailer behind us. We drove on the gravel road, I watched the trailer bump. Brian stands to wait for us, a smile on his face. I unload Prince, his blue blanket catches the attention of some of the other people, and they pause to watch him.

"Let me get a good look at him!" Brian says rubbing his hands together.

I laugh and walk Prince out, taking off his blanket handing it to a nearby groom. Brian nods taking in Prince.

"He needs to build some muscle." He mutters running his hand over his black coat.

Prince's eyes scan his surroundings, multiple barns with many horses, all seem to watch him. He raises his head and trumpets a welcome. Prince's groom Liam takes his lead rope and Teddy unloads Ace.

"Who is this?" Brian says looking up.

"This is Ace, he is Prince's travel buddy. Keeps him calm on the road and in the stall so he won't hurt himself."

Brian walks over to Ace and rubs his face. Ace drops his ears and rests his back leg and licks Brian's hand. Brian does not seem to notice or care, he looks back at Prince and murmurs something in Ace's ear. He pauses for a moment and Ace stops licking his hand and looks up at his eyes.

"I will take him on," Brian says looking back.

He motions to a groom who takes the lead rope from Teddy and shows Liam where to put Prince. I watch them disappear and Brian motions me to follow him.

"I currently have 16 horses that I am training."

I walk behind him know not to interrupt, he stops and turns to face me.

"What will make yours different, what will make  yours the winner?"

I pause to think.

"If I would say so myself Brian, my horse has one thing these horses don't have."

"What is that?"

"A purpose."

Brian nods and thinks about what I have said, not arguing he continues to walk and I follow behind. He sits in his chair behind his desk and discusses his salary and accommodations for Prince. I agree and we both sign a contract he had written up. We exit walking toward the barn, he shows me Prince's stall. Prince settled in nicely, Ace right beside him.

"Can you tell me where I need to start?" Brians asks looking at me.

"He has accepted a bit and bridle, silks, saddles."

"So I should start him with long reining, first?"

"I would assume so."

"Alright, I will give you a tour," Brian says scribbling something down in his notebook.

I nod and walk behind Brian as he shows the premises.

"The barn we are in in the training barn."

I look around, Prince and Ace are eating. 

"Very Nice."

Brian continues to walk we walk down the line and I look at the horses he is training. A large horse sticks his head, he chestnut coat glimmers in the light, his brown eyes search my face.

"Who is he?" I say turning to face Brian.

"He will be your competitor."

I grumble getting one last look at the horse who would challenge Prince, I see his name plate, Call me Classy.

"Next we have the mare barn."

This barn had the same build but there were far fewer horses. Some mares stuck their heads over the side of the barn to look at us as we passed. Others ignored us completely. Brian continues to show use around, the arenas, race track and finally back where we came.

"Thank you so much," I say offering him a handshake.

He takes it and smiles.

"I hope you are right about him, I would be a shame if he was a dud."

"He's not." 

I release my hand and shove it in my pocket. Giving Brian one last goodbye, Teddy and I hop in the truck and start to drive home. The radio softly plays in the background and I keep my eyes on the road.

"It is going to be quiet without Prince," Teddy mummers.


"I think I am going to miss that little Screamer."

I laugh, "He wasn't that bad."


Teddy turns up the radio and we take a turn. When we get back to the house Teddy goes to the barn and visit Queenie. I go inside, not really seeing a purpose to go to the barn if Prince is not there. I sigh and look up at the ceiling, wondering what I had gotten myself into.


I know, I know, this a short chapter, BUT! My next one will be longer and more intresting, so I guess you are still going to have to read to find out... Please comment and vote so I know you liked it. Sorry for the late chapter.

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