Chapter 24

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"What do you mean?" I ask, thoughts racing through my mind.

"I'll show you."

Brian sits on the bed and pulls out his tablet.

"Meet Scarlet Vonbeltway. Millionaire, smart, witty and dirtiest player if there ever was one."

"Dang she is hot," Teddy says.

We turn to look at him.


"Jesus," I grunt.

"She is dangerous is what she is," Brian says glaring at the jockey.

Teddy shrugs and continues to look at her picture.

"Tell me more Brian," I say looking at him.

He nods and flips to the picture to a horse.

"This is GoodHeart, Scarlet's prized filly. Having bloodlines from Unbridled to Seabiscuit it is all in there."

I sigh and Brian continues.

"This filly is tearing up any track that is thrown at her, she is undefeated."

I look at Brian.

"How come we have not seen her before?"

"She hasn't been running in major races, but she some how made it, and I am concerned."

"Who is the jockey?" Teddy says, his expression becoming more serious.

"Hildago Jaspersnix."

Teddy makes a face and gets quiet.

"Who is he?"

Teddy looks up his eyes full of concern.


He shakes his head not wanting to say anything.

"Tell me."

"He was the jockey that ran me into the fence that day, the day King died."

My eyes clouded over like a brewing storm, my face hardened a stone expression showing I was not willing to negotiate.


"He ran me into the fence!"

I run by King, his eyes searching for me. Our eyes lock and he nickers licking my hand like he always did before and after races.

"You won King, you won."

He nickers and his eyes get droopy.

"No King you can't leave me," I say running my hands through his mane.

"YOU ACT LIKE THIS IS MY FAULT!" Teddy screams at the man asking him questions.

King heaves and I start to cry running my hands through his coat, down his face.

The vet comes with a needle.

"Sir are you ready?"

I weakly nodded, and the world goes still. King gives me one last nicker and then closes his eyes and the rain stops, but my tears continue to fall. My King was gone.

*End of Flashback*


"We are beating her."

"That's great, but how?" Brian says looking at me.

I smirk, "Teddy you just need to let Prince run."

Teddy gives me a concerned look, "Sam-"

"Trust me."

"I don't know Sam he special, but-"

"But what Brian? There are no buts, have some faith."

"I do have faith."

"Then show some now."

Brian huffs and lets himself out.

"Sam, that is not fair to him," Teddy says quietly.

I look up my eye swirling like a freshly brewed storm.

"King was taken from me, that wasn't fair."


I tightened my tie, we had not spoken about the argument, but we had an unspoken apology to each other. Teddy walked in, his tux was freshly rolled and dried. Tonight was the press conference, and to say the least, I was nervous. We drove in silence Brian took a swig of his drink and the taxi driver gave a disapproving look. We stopped and stepped out the press hounding us.




We hurry through the doors and are directed to where we are going to sit. The seats next to us our empty and I read on the plaque Miss Scarlet Vonbeltway. I stiffen and look forward. The press from outside file in and wait for other owners and trainers to sit down. The door swings open and middle age women walk in. Her tall red heels click on the floor and the room grows silent. They watch her sit down, he red dress barely goes past her knees, Scarlet.

"Sorry I'm late," She says chuckling.

Other trainers mutter things and owners give looks of disaproval. Scarlet leans foward toward the microphone her blonde hair falls on each shoulder, she looks like a snake, if I ever saw one. Hildago sits next to her and the conference starts.

"Hello and welcome to the Pre-Race conference we would like to get your thoughts on some things and let's start by introducing yourself."

We all go and the anocer talks again.

"We now are asking the press to ask their questions."

THe press stands up shouting names of people the loudest person wins.


"Yes, sir?"

The press quits and sits down.

"What do you think about the jockey who rammed your horse Came as King in the fence ultimitly breaking his leg and killing him racing here today?"

I stiffen.

"I think Goodheart should be ready for Prince, he is firecracker and is still undeafted." I say leaning in.

Scarlet stiffens glaring at me.

"One more question sir?"


"Your horse is the favorite of the bunch, how do you think he will run?"

"I think Prince will run however he feels like it, we are here to prove a point."

"What is your point Mr, Whitehall?"

"We are here to prove many people wrong."

The reporters kept asking questions through the night and when the conference was done we went back to the hotel.

"That went well."

"Teddy said nodding.

"That woman is a snake," Brian mutters.

I nod in agreement. The taxi stops and we get out tomorrow Prince would do some runs, and to say the least, I was excited.

========================================================================What do you guys think about Scarlet? I know what I'm thinking, snake. 😂 Spirit reference. Anyway please vote and comment!

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