P.15: I See You Again P.2

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After eating, which was weird because of what was happening, I ran up to my room. "This isn't happening, this is all fake."

I took deep breaths. Whats the fuck is this? Is this some kind of gay ass joke? Then I heared screaming. I looked out the window to check out the commotion, to see....A GIANT ROLLER COASTER ON MY NEIGHBORS BACKYARD?!?

"WHAT THE FRIGGIN FUDGE?!" I yelled as I ran downstairs into my backyard. My house looked almost the same as usual, except for it being all cartoonish.

I looked up to see the ginormous rollercoaster sitting on my neighbor's backyard, going across to the city. I told my mom I would be at the neighbor's house and she nodded, continued to fold laundry. Before I went, I realized I was still wearing pjs.

I changed and oddly, the closet had things my style. I wore the Beatles crop top, some faded grey jeans and vans. I left the house and went by to the neighbors.

I looked and saw a tent by the house. I walked in and gasped. Phineas and Ferb? I remember my cousin always watching this shit while I babysat her. Her and Alisa would watch it together, Alisa into cartoons because she loved animations. In fact she was obsessed. I admired my best friend's imagination. I miss her already...

"Ladies and Gentleman, boys and girls. May we present the coolest. Coaster. EVER!" My attention was back on the triangle-headed boy as he revealed the rollercoaster to everyone. Ooos and ahhs were audible across the room. Soon people started boarding the coaster.

"Oh hi. You must be the new neighbor! I'm Phineas and this is Ferb. He doesn't talk much." Ferb waved as Phineas gestured to him.

For fucks sake whats happening?

Well one things for sure. Im getting on that rollercoaster. I don't know why, but I guess might as well have fun while i'm "dreaming".  

After introducing myself, I don't hesitate to get onboard. I look around to see a bunch of kids riding onboard, including cartoons that aren't even part of this show.

I don't know whats happened that got me into this, but honestly now I don't give two fucks. Whatever is going on, im going to try to go with the flow.

Like how Alisa used to be.

She would always be positive. I feel like im going to break down and cry but something stops me. I hear the people around me cheering for the ride as people are almost done boarding.

I see some cartoons I reconized from watching with Alisa. The powerpuff girls, a redhead boy with round glasses in a white t-shirt, and others I couldn't remember. "Hey four eyes! Watch the seat for me will ya?" A girl with...candies in her hair?

"Sure." The redhead responded. "Thanks Sherman." They were right infront of me. Then some girl with braces and a sweater with a shooting star with a rainbow trace on it plopped right next to me.

"Hello! My name is Mabel! Love the hair by the way." "Thanks? Im Diana." I responded. I twisted my jet black hair with red tips around my fingers, letting time pass.

"Hey there volcano tips. Like the shirt. Im a Beatles fan too. Squishing them aint that easy, but good think I wouldn't want to anyway. Im Vanellope Von Shweets. You are?"

I chuckled at the fact she thought my shirt was of real beatles or some shit.

"Diana Tomlinson. Nice to meet ya." "Same. Hey Mabel, ready to spit on some people while on the ride?"

I like this kid already.

"Totally! Too bad Dipper couldn't come on. He's too chicken." Mabel replied. "Fine I'll get on!" The guy I was guessing was Dipper yelled as he got in the seat two rows back.

Who names their kid Dipper? His parents must hate him or something.

"Hey ready for the ride girls?" A girl sitting in the seat behind ours asks us. "Totally Scootaloo!" Another redhead cowgirl with a oversized bow chimes in.

"Its on like Donkey Kong." Sherman says. Mabel looks at him. "Wait what?"

~ A/N: Sorry this part sucks. Like me ._. Here, have a cookie :3 and sorry for the excessive cussing, but that's apart of Diana's personality. You guys are awesome! Get the Donkey Kong Reference and I'll give you a muffin. c:

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