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So dig two graves 'cause when you die I swear I'll be leaving by your side, so you can drag me through hell if it meant I could hold your hand. I will follow you.❞►BMTH

KRISTAL WAS USUALLY CONSIDERED TO BE DITZY AND CARELESS. She knew that nobody looked at her and thought of how deeply she could feel things, of how much she cared, of how she ever really felt. She couldn't blame the majority of the populace for believing that. Everything about her exuded that sense of confidence and unaffected happiness. It made sense that she gave that impression. That was exactly how she had felt about herself.

She believed that life was for the living, it was a party with no setting sun to end the day. Each day and night blended for her, just one happy occurrence after another. She had friends, she had followers, she had boys ready to propose to her. Her family was ideal, her parents were well enough off for them to all live more than comfortably. She was an only child and, from her earliest understanding of the term, knew that her parents were overindulgent. She was a miracle baby to them, born when her mother was not quite forty-eight. She was a gift from heaven, their little angel, and nothing was good enough for her and she could do no wrong.

At least, no wrong besides being gay.

Something flipped in her parents when they found out, quite accidentally. By the young age of twelve, Kristal was comfortable with her own sexuality, even if she hadn't told anyone else. She spent her life peacefully without having the stress of coming out, knowing that her friends could probably tell already. Hell, she was even trying to make it painfully obvious so that when some girl finally picked up on what a fine specimen she was, nobody would be surprised.

Unfortunately, fate would have it that she was not being obvious enough to soften the backlash her parents had given her.

When Kristal was fourteen and at a birthday party, somebody decided it would be a good idea to play a little game of truth or dare. And when Kristal's best friend was dared to kiss her crush, the girl stood, walked across the room, and Kristal found herself in a liplock with a girl that she had known since she was in preschool.

Boy, did that change things.

They decided that under the guise of friendship, they would begin to date each other secretly. It was fun and thrilling and Kristal almost believed it was love.

In fact, she was so in love that she figured that they would be married as soon as they were out of college. Her parents naturally would need to know that she was going to marry her best friend turned girlfriend. Kristal, with her view that her parents already knew that she was a lesbian, broke the pact she had made with her girlfriend and revealed their secret to her mother and father.

They moved to Massachusetts so fast that it made Kristal's head spin.

Her parents claimed that it was to care for her ailing long-lost great aunt. Kristal figured otherwise as soon as she was told that her great aunt had died the day before they were supposed to move in with her. They didn't even attend the funeral if there was one in the first place. But Kristal simply rolled with the punches because apparently she wasn't as in love with her girlfriend as she thought and hot damn was that girl in the back of her new Biology class attractive Of course, the girl could benefit from a smile every now and then (and maybe a color brighter than black or gray) but Kristal supposed the dark and gloomy vibe was kind of working for her.

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