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We have all learned to kill our dreams.❞►TWENTY ONE PILOTS

It was a cozy little restaurant with red booths, dark brown walls, and dim candles.

"Not too shabby," Bethany remarked.

"I'm a regular here," Kristal replied proudly.

"Hello," said the hostess, who couldn't have been much older than Bethany, "How large is your party?"

She had a cheery British accent that anyone would envy.

"Four," Kristal replied after looking at the group for a moment.

The hostess grabbed three menus and a kid's menu, "Alright, if you would follow me."

She led them to a corner booth. Jack and Sophie squeezed into the middle, and Bethany and Kristal were on the ends. An adult menu was placed in front of Kristal, Jack, and Bethany. The children's menu was given to Sophie.

"If you have any problems, just let us know," the hostess said. She walked away promptly.

"I have a problem," Sophie grumbled.

Jack picked up a small box of crayons, "No worries, I found your crayons, shortie."

Sophie mimicked him in a high voice,"No worries, I found the crayons, blah blah blah."

Jack smirked,"Now, if you're gonna act up, I'm taking the crayons."

"Hey, I want those!"

"Aww, does somebody need to go in time out?"

"Yes, you do!"

"Well, only if you'll join me, Shortie."

"I am not short, and I am not a kid!"

"Somebody didn't get their nap today!"

"Jack! Give it back or else I'm never gonna get milkshakes with you again."

"Jack," Bethany chuckled, "Give Sophie her crayons. I don't think you want to experience the wrath of her crayon deprivation."

Jack still held them over his head. Sophie bounced in the seat, trying to grab them from his hand.

"No fair," she whined. The waiter walked over.

"Um, is there an issue here?" he asked in a smooth, thick accent that made the hair on Bethany's arms stand on edge because she never thought a human would be capable of having a voice like a god's.

Jack tossed the pack of crayons over to his best friend before smiling brightly at the new waiter. Bethany turned to assure the waiter that the problem was resolved. She found herself unable to tear her eyes away from the creature of the gods standing in front of her. He was tall and appeared to be muscular. His light brown hair fell carelessly into his blue, blue, blue eyes.
Bethany realized it was quite useless to attempt at any formation of words. I've got a problem alright, she thought, I have totally forgotten how to speak, blink, or breathe. She only numbly shook her head.

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