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Praying for love and paying in naivety.❞ ►PANIC! AT THE DISCO

SOPHIE STOOD STILL, waiting for the urge to pass. She stared at her opponent head on with a triumphant smile and crossed arms. She wasn't about to lose a staring contest to Jack Smith. Her eyes burned, and she could have sworn she began to feel the cold air against her bare eye. Jack looked like he was about to give in as well. He jumped to life suddenly and poked at Sophie's face. She shut her eyes instinctively.

"Ow, you cheater!" She whined, rubbing her now burning eyes. "I thought we agreed on not poking each other. You promised."

Jack leaned back and ran a hair through his untamed brown hair. "Yeah, we did. But I had my fingers crossed, so ha ha. It doesn't count."

Sophie allowed some sort of angered noise to fall past her red lips, "Hmmmmmn! You son of a biscuit!"

Jack stuck his tongue out at her and smirked, leaning forward to press his lips around his straw to get another taste of the vanilla milkshake he ordered. Sophie rolled her eyes and took a sip of her own milkshake. Her face contorted into disgust as the all-too-familiar taste of cherry touched her tastebuds. Jack snickered at her.

"Eww... I hate cherries," Sophie groaned, spitting the cherry onto the napkin in front of her. She mentally face-palmed at herself. So ladylike, Sophie, she thought. Great Job. Jack didn't seem to care. Instead, his head perked up.

"Can I have it?" He asked. The question was innocent enough, but it still slightly disgusted Sophie. That cherry had been in her mouth.

"Sure..." She pushed the napkin over to him, and mumbled under her breath, "nasty vermin."

Jack smiled as he popped the cherry right between his teeth, "You know you love me." His tongue flicked out momentarily to snatch the cherry, then brought the cherry back into his mouth.

Sophie made a 'seriously?' face at him. "So unnecessary," She smiled. She attempted the rest of her milkshake in a few long slurps as Jack did the same. There seemed to be some sort of silent competition between the two but, then again, when wasn't there?

Her stomach quickly filled up with the sugary goodness, and she laid her head back while rubbing her belly. Jack chuckled, shoving his empty cup over with a quirky grin.

He burped, "Bless you."

Sophie gave a distant laugh but didn't bother to ask any questions about her friend's shenanigans. He sat back as well, poising his arms behind his head and relaxing. They sat in silence for what seemed like hours, but it was still enjoyable. That was a pleasant five seconds.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐎𝐋𝐋 𝐌𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐑.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя