Chapter 12

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Peeta's POV
I sit in the hospital chair next to Katniss's bed. I'm clenching her hand as tight as I can until the doctor walked into the room. "Mrs.Mellark, can I have a word with you?" He asks as he lead me out into the hall. "Is she ok?" I blurt out before he could say anything. "Ah yes she's fine. Those were just come false contractions. I just need to go over some health things with you before I can release you." He states. "Yes of course." I sigh. "Katniss is going to be in a lot of discomfort until your child is born, so I ask that you follow these rules so we don't risk the baby." He states. I nod my head and he continues. "She'll be in bed rest for the rest of the pregnancy. If she would want to go anywhere in the house you'd have to carry her. And finally no sexual behavior she'll need all her energy for the birth process, ok?" He asks. "Yes sir." I say shacking his hand. "Alright she should be good to go once she wakes up." He smiles. "Thank you doctor." I say.
The doctor was right about Katniss being in discomfort. She complains about her back pain so much to the point where she cries. I wish she wasn't in so much pain or at least give me her pain. I hate to see her cry. While Katniss was taking a nap I finally finished everything in the nursery and I couldn't wait for Katniss to see it. While washing my hands from all the paint I hear Katniss start to wake up. I rush to the bedroom where I payed down next to her stroking her hair. "Good morning beautiful, how was your nap!" I ask. "It's was ok." She groans as I help her sit up. She crawls into my lap we're I rocked her like a baby. "How did I get so lucky to have you?" She asks as she buries her head into my chest. I just smile not knowing what to say. "Want to see the nursery?" I whisper into her ear. She nods and I pick her up and carry her to the nursery. "No peeking." I say as I set her down on the rocking chair. "Ok open!" I say with excitement. The look on her face made me so happy.

Katniss' POV
It was so beautiful. It was defiantly one of Peeta's best works. I start to tear up at the sight of it. It was exactly like my dream where Rue and Prim visited me in. Rue and Prim were both sitting in the meadow under the willow tree as the run was setting. The both had flower crowns in their hairs and were just sitting and watching the sunset. As you looked up more towards the wall you could see a long layer of clouds were all our family and friends were standing. Finnick, Mags, my father, Peeta's family, and Boggs. Everyone was standing together and seemed so happy. As I moved my eyes along the wall I can see my mockingjay pin and around it were the words "tuck in your tail little duck." "Peeta it's so beautiful!" I cried. "I'm glad you like it." He replies kissing my head.

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