Chapter 3

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2 months later

I wake up to the same sick feeling in my stomach that I've had for weeks and once again I run to the bathroom. I try my hardest not to wake Peeta up but he always hears me even if I'm barley puking. "Katniss I think we should go see a doctor" Peeta states as he rubs my back. "I'm fine there's no need to go to the doctor I just have the stomach bug." I say getting up to wash my face. Peeta gives me his concerned look and I go up and hug him. "I'm fine, really Peeta." I say. "If this goes on any longer we're going to the doctor no ifs or buts about it." He says with a angry tone and walks out of the bathroom. I've never really seen Peeta so concerned about me to the point where he gets angry.
I walk down the steps to see that Peeta already left to go to the bakery. This was my chance to go see if my prediction is right. I just had the feeling I'm pregnant but I want to surprise Peeta and of course make sure it's real.
I walk down the street till I reach Johanna's house. I knock on the door waiting for an answer. "Oh Katniss what a surprise!" Johanna says sarcastically. I walk in and we get to talking. "Johanna can I tell you something?" I ask which makes Johanna's face light up. "Yeah of course! What is it?" She asked with a desire to know. I start to blush and I say the words... "I think I'm pregnant" I say.
Johanna screams and starts to cry with tears of joy. "Katniss oh my gosh this is amazing!" She screams which alarms her 3 year old daughter Luna. "Mommy what's wrong?" Luna asks confused. Johanna looks at me for permission to tell he daughter and of course I nod my head and smile. "Auntie Katniss might be having a baby" she says with excitement. "Really!?" Luna asks with delight. "Yes!" I tell her while giving her a hug. "I'll have a little friend!" She squeals. Johanna hands me the test and tells me what to do. I walk in her bathroom practically shacking until the results came in. I take a deep breath and look down at the test. Two lines... It's positive!!
As I grab the test and leave the bathroom Johanna is waiting at the table. I walk up and show her and we both immediately start to cry. "Katniss this is so wonderful" Johanna cries as she hugs me. "I know! Peeta is going to be so happy!" I say wiping my tears away from my eyes. "You have to get him something to surprise him" Johanna says with a smile. "Good idea!" I say to Johanna "I probably should go now before he comes home from the bakery." "Yes, yes!" Johanna says "Go on now tell me how it goes!" I hug Johanna and soon find myself walking to the hob with the biggest smile on my face
I walk in and start my mission to make Peeta the happiest man in the whole world. I grab a box with blue and pink polkadots and a small newborn onesie. I buy my items and soon make my way back to our house. I get inside and immediately wrap the onesie and the pregnancy test. Now I just have to wait for Peeta to come home.
Peeta walks in with flour all over his face. That's when you know he had a hard day of work. He washes his face in the kitchen and soon sits next to me on our couch. "How are you feeling?" He asks. "Amazing" I tell him with a smile. "Really? Or are you just saying that so I don't take you to the doctors." He jokes as he pulls me into a hug. "Peeta, I think I'll need to go to the doctors really soon." I say while looking at my stomach to see if he'll get a hint but of course he doesn't. "For what?" He asks with concern. I hand him the box and he opens it in confusion. All of a sudden I could see tears well up in his eyes. "You're pregnant, real or not real?" He cries. I look at him and smile, "real."

Question of the day: If you were in the Hunger Games what weapon would you choose?

Mine would probably be a bow and arrow or knife.

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