Chapter 4

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"Well Mrs.Mellark your baby is perfectly healthy! No problems at all!" I smile to Peeta while he grips my hand. "When will I be expecting the baby?" I ask with excitement. "September 11!" It came to a shock to me that I was already 6 months pregnant. I don't really feel 6 months pregnant. "Thank you again doctor." Peeta says as he shakes his hand. "I'll see you in a few months now" he says as he smiles to me,"take care now."
As Peeta and I return to the house we see Haymitch sitting out on his porch. "Now where were you two lovebirds running of to this morning?" He says with a smirk. I look at Peeta and he just shrugs his shoulders. "Haymitch we have some great news for you" Peeta states with a smile. What is he doing? I don't want our baby around a drunk. "Katniss and I are expecting a baby this September!" Peeta says as he pulls up my shirt to reveal my baby bump. "Wow a toast baby" Haymitch laughs. "You know I never really thought it would work out." "What's that suppose to mean?" I spit out with a death stare."Listen sweetheart," he says "I'm actually very excited to see this baby. You may not have known this but I'm giving up drinking." "Yeah right." I snarl. "Believe it sweetheart because it's happening." I don't say another word I just let go of Peeta's hand and storm into the house. "Hormones.." Peeta says while rolling his eyes. "I'm sorry Haymitch I'm sure she'll come around."
I'm sitting on the couch when Peeta walks back in. I don't talk I just sit there looking into the fire that was burning. He sits down next to me and tries to pull me into his lap but I smack his arms away. "Katniss, you know he's doing this for us." Peeta states. "You could be more sympathetic to him because getting over an addiction isn't easy." I don't say anything. I don't want to say anything I'm just too angry about the whole situation for no reason. I look into Peeta's eyes and I could see him starting to get mad. "You know this was what it was like for me in the capitol trying to get the tracker jacker venom out of me!" He yells as he stands to his feet. "Is this how you would treat me? He's doing it for you Katniss he wants to be a good figure and let go of his past but you can never just be sorry and forgiving to someone maybe that's why Gale will never forgive you!" I can't believe Peeta would say something so mean, he's never mean. He doesn't even bother looking at me he just walks upstairs to our bedroom and slams the door. Tears starts to stream from my eyes and I just walk out of the house.
I sit by the stream in the woods trying to pull myself together with my crying but nothing was working. I just keep playing the moments back in my mind wishing I wouldn't have been so stubborn and just gave Haymitch thoughtful and encouraging advice. But it's too late Peeta probably hates me and so does Haymitch. I begin to cry harder until I hear footsteps. I quickly turn my head to see if it was Peeta but it wasn't, it was Haymitch. "What a wonderful view huh sweetheart?" He smiles at me, "why are you so upset?" He asks while wiping the tears from my cheeks. "I ruin everything..." I sigh. "No you don't." Haymitch says, "you just sometimes need to let the past go." "I can't." I say throwing a rock into the water. "You can try." Haymitch says while pulling me in to a hug. "Just think before you say." He smiles. "I'm so sorry Haymitch." I cry out. "I should be more understanding and grateful that you're doing this for me." "Shh it's ok sweetheart you're going through some crazy things right now with this baby. I know you didn't mean it." Haymitch states with a smile. "Come on, lover boy is probably waiting for you." Haymitch helps me up and we both walk back to the Victor's Village.
"Just go in and apologize to him and tell him you talked to me." Haymitch says as he walks me up to my front steps. "Good night I'll see you in the morning." He says as he pulls me into a hug and kisses the top of my head. I walk in to see Peeta reading a book on the couch. "Peeta.." I say trying my best not to cry. He doesn't look up and that's when I completely lost it. "Peeta please just say something to me!" I cry out. "I'm sorry I went and talked to Haymitch and told him I was sorry. I hate myself!" I scream out getting his attention. "I can never to anything right I only get people to hate me and leave me because I'm just too stubborn!" I slide down the wall crying my eyes out and putting my hands over my face. That's when I felt Peeta pick me up and carry me upstairs. He sits down on the bed and starts to cradle me. He brushes his fingers through my hair and starts to talk. "Don't you ever say you hate yourself." He says. "You hate me don't you?" I say looking into his blue eyes. "I could never hate you Katniss. You're the love of my life and the mother of our soon to be child. If I lost you or anything were to happen to you I wouldn't be able to live with myself. So please, please don't cry anymore you're too beautiful to cry." He says with his charming smile. I grab onto his neck and he kisses me. "I'm sorry too." He says "I knew you didn't mean what you said you're just moody and have hormones. I over reacted." He states. "I love you Peeta." I say as I berry my head into his chest. "I love you more Katniss." He says kissing me again before laying me down on the bed.

Hey guys! Sorry it took me so long to update. I have been training for basketball and haven't had the time to post. I'll be writing a little more tomorrow!

Question of the day: What district in Panem would you live in and why?

I would either be in district 7 or 12 due to the wooded area!

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