Chapter 11

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Katniss' POV
After my talk with Haymitch I didn't go see Johanna. Instead I went down to the meadow where I watched the sunset. I sit under the willow tree and lean my head up against the trunk. It was a beautiful atmosphere. The birds were singing, frogs were croaking, and you could hear the buzzing of the insects. I look down at my stomach and place my hand on top of it which causes our child to kick. "You're an active one." I giggle. The baby kicks again. "Oh do you want me to sing?" I ask which causes the baby to kick once more. "Alright." I smile.
"Deep in the meadow."
"Under the willow."
"A bed of grass, a soft green pillow."
"Lay down your head and close your eyes."
"And when the open the sun will rise."
"Here it's  safe, here it's warm."
"Here the daisies guard
"You from every harm."
"Here your dreams are sweet."
"And tomorrow brings them true."
"Here is the place, where I love you."
"You're such a sweet singer." Someone says and I quickly turn my head. Thank god it was just Peeta. I invite him to sit down but he just stands there with his arms crossed. "You said you were going to Johanna's." He firmly says. "Well.. I.. I just wanted to come here." I state. "Katniss, you're 8 and a half months pregnant you can't just wonder around without telling me where you are. You scared me half to death because I couldn't find you!" He says angrily. I try to stand up but struggle since my stomach is so big. "Peeta, I'm not a child I can watch over myself!" I scream at him. "What if you went into early labor and I wasn't here for you? You'd be all alone and I wouldn't know!" He screams back. "I don't need this and I don't need you!" I scream as I walk back towards our house. This was really the first ever argument me and Peeta had with each other.
By the time it was time for bed Peeta didn't come up. He was camped out on the couch. I guess he really was mad at me for not telling him where I was. I didn't even try to call for him I just went to bed myself .

Peeta's POV
As I laid on the couch reading my book I could indicate that Katniss was asleep because it was silent. Normally when Katniss is awake there's some kind of movement. I walk slowly and quietly up the steps where I find her sleeping with no blanket on. Even though I'm mad at her I still cover her because she is still the love of my life. I walk back downstairs and grab a water before heading back to my reading. Last time I looked at the clock it read 11:25pm. About 5 minutes back into my reading I started to drift off.
"PEETA!" Is all I hear when I was awaken. This was a different kind of scream that I never really heard from Katniss. It was her scream of pain.. I quickly run up the steps to find clenching on to her stomach. "Peeta, it hurts." She screams in pain. "Shh." I coo lifting the blanket off of her. She didn't break her water which concerned me because that's an indicator of the start of contractions. "Katniss, do they feels like contractions?" I ask with a soothing tone. "No!" She screams. "It doesn't feel right." I didn't really know what to do, I didn't know what to say to her to calm her down because I too was petrified. That's when I hear the front door swing open and someone running up the steps. It was Haymitch. "What's going on is she alright?!" He asks running to the bedside. I explain the situation to him and he just screams out, "this is not ok she needs to go to the hospital now!" I've never reacted so fast before in my life. I grab Katniss and start running down the steps to Haymitch's car. She clenches onto my shirt and looks at me. "Peeta." I look down at her. "You were right." She says before passing out in my arms.

"Together?" "Together." (COMPLETED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن