Chapter 2

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Who knows how long I was laying on the floor crying. As I lift my head from my arms I could see on the side of the nightstand the pearl Peeta gave me in the on the beach during the games. I stand to me feet and grab it. I rolled it around in my hand because some how it could comfort me when Peeta wasn't around. I let out a sigh because I'm now starting to feel guilty for being so rude to Peeta. I hope he isn't mad at me.
I hear the door squeak open and I look up. It was Peeta and he was holding a small bouquet of flowers. He walks over to me and sits down next to me, "for you" he says with I smile. I take the flowers and soon realize that they were primrose. "W..Where did you find these?" I say as I wipe the tears away from my eyes. It was very hard to find primrose after the bombing because all the nuclear radiation caused most of the wildlife to die off. "Just at the edge of the meadow" he smiles as he kisses my head. "I'm sorry for everything I did I acted really immature" I say as I return his kiss. "I knew what I was getting into when I met you Katniss" he says. "Why did you stay then?" I whisper as I climb in his lap. "Because I love you that's why." He whispers and before I knew it I was passed out in Peeta's arms.
Peeta wakes me up two hours later because we needed to go to a meeting at Annie's house for our big beach vacation to district 4. Peeta and I both make our way to Annie's and when we get there everyone was waiting. "Auntie Katniss!" Finn says as he hugs me. Finn is Annie's 5 year old son who pretty much is a little version of Finnick, his father who was lost in the war. Johanna and her husband Alder were there to with their little girl Luna, and of course Effie and Haymitch were there also. We all walk into Annie's house and start talking details about the trip.
After finalizing the vacation Effie and Haymitch leave to go get ready for the trip which was tomorrow and everyone else stayed a little longer just to chat. Peeta and Alder were playing with the kids and me, Annie, and Johanna were talking. I watch Peeta interact with both little ones and it brought I smile to my face. "Peeta would be a very good father one day" Johanna says to me with a smile "don't you think Annie?" "Of very!" Annie says with a laugh. "Have you been thinking about having a baby?" Annie asked. "We umm haven't really talked about it" I say as I start to blush. "It would be a very good idea!" Johanna laughs. The scary thing with that whole conversation was I don't know if I'm ready to look after a baby.
As Peeta and I make our way into the house I stopped him in the doorway. "Peeta can I ask you something?" I say nervously. "Yeah of course" he says "what's on your mind?" I looked up to have eye to eye contact and I start to stutter. "Have you know..ever thought of..having a.." I was scared to see how he would react but when I looked at him I saw a smile appear on his face. "You want a baby?" He asked with a smile. "Yes, I really do I want to start a family with the love of my life." I say as I pressed my lips on his. Peeta then picked me up and walked me up to our room. We start to kiss most passionately and soon I can't feel Peeta start to unclothe me. "Are you sure you want this?" Peeta asks as he catches his breath. "Yes!" I say as I pulled him under. The rest of the night was pretty much a blur.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please give me some feedback and ideas! Hope you guys have a wonderful day!

Question of the day: If you were Katniss and or Peeta what would you name you child?

Mine would either be Willow and Meadow for a girl and Rye or Jay for a boy.

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