28. You Suddenly Want Me

Start from the beginning

Him saying that bit about not knowing many people makes me feel a bit at ease because I obviously won't know anyone, so at least we'll be in the same boat.

Wait, did I actually just think that? This is Harry Styles, we're talking about here. People will know him, and talk to him. And I can't imagine him having any trouble making conversation with randoms.

That's a major part of his job.

Oh well, I can make new friends too. It's all about optimism.


The car pulls up to a semi nice apartment block and I can hear a faint thumping of music coming from around the back. There are a few people hanging out around the front, but overall it seems pretty discreet.

"Here you are, Miss Jacobs, Mr Styles," the driver says from the front as we stop.

"Thank you very much," I say, as Harry also says his thanks.

We get out of the car, and I can feel Harry's hand on the lower part of my back which automatically breaks my skin out in goose bumps. It's just all too much.

"Fuck, it's freezing," Harry exclaims, hugging me a little bit closer, and I almost die at that, once again squeaking in response. I silently tell myself that I won't get drunk tonight, as much as I would like to, it's just never a good idea.

Plus, I don't want to make a fool out of myself. Lets be honest, I'll do that with or without alcohol, but still.

"I wonder what song it is that they're playing," I say aloud, trying to get my ears to perk up as much as possible. I can hear the faint sound of the bass.

"Oh, that's 100% 'The Chain', by Fleetwood Mac," Harry says, without a second thought.

I try to listen in again. "Really? Do you have supernatural ears or something? The only thing I can hear is the bass!"

"How about we go inside so we can know for sure?" He smirks and I roll my eyes.

So, we head up the stairs and into the hustle and bustle of the party. It's quite a small apartment so it's pretty packed, but it's completely to my taste, interior decoration wise. This, thankfully, doesn't seem to be one of those rager parties where people are going absolutely mental. People are definitely buzzed, but then again, it's only almost 10. Who knows what will happen.

I look over at Harry, who seems generally comfortable, although a little cautious. Apparently he hasn't seen anyone he knows yet. Nor the host.

"Shall we get some drinks?" He licks his lips, then looks towards me.

I nod, not bothering to reply because it's so loud. And yes, Harry was right in saying that 'The Chain' is playing. It's very much playing. If the rest of the music tonight is this top notch I'll be on the floor within the hour.

Using his height to his advantage, Harry looks over the crowd, assumedly in search of some kind of drinks station. Once something has caught his eye, he grabs my hand softly – fuck – and leads me through the people.

People have definitely noticed Harry, I mean, who wouldn't, even if he wasn't so well known? But nobody is making a fuss about him. I'm thankful for this and I'm sure he is too.

Once we reach the drinks table, I spot an open bottle of pinot and decide to just go for that. I look at Harry in question, and he nods, holding out two glasses for me to pour it into.

"Harry!" A male voice shouts. I look through the mob of people to the person who just spoke. "So glad you came." He's kind of a medium height, very blonde hair – natural, it looks like. What strikes me first are his eyes, they're so, so blue. He's wearing a simple outfit, though it's very stylish...and...he's got an earring in. Surprisingly, it works. His eyes flick to mine, but then straight back to Harry's.

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