I Wish Viktor Could Be Like His Phone

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KitKatsuki has entered the chat room

ReginaGeorge has entered the chat room

RedSoloCup has entered the chat room

Selfiegameonpoint has entered the chat room

Selfiegameonpoint: I come to you guys with good news!

ReginaGeorge: Did Viktor fall off the yacht?

Selfiegameonpoint: Close!

ReginaGeorge: Wait what the actual fuck?
ReginaGeorge: Really?!

Selfiegameonpoint: Yup!


Selfiegameonpoint: MILA!!
Selfiegameonpoint: YOU STOLE MY LINE!

RedSoloCup: Get rekt.

Selfiegameonpoint: 😰

KitKatsuki: What do you mean Viktor doesn't have a phone?

Selfiegameonpoint: It fell into the ocean.

RedSoloCup: And then he dove overboard to get it.

KitKatsuki: When did this happen?

Selfiegameonpoint: Five minutes ago.

KitKatsuki: And you guys aren't helping him?!

Selfiegameonpoint: We're busy!

KitKatsuki: Doing what?

RedSoloCup: Putting the news up on social media.

KitKatsuki: How did his phone fall into the ocean?

Selfiegameonpoint: Mila got mad because Viktor texted her while she was playing LLSIF.

RedSoloCup: I don't fuck with fake bitches.

KitKatsuki: Mila!

RedSoloCup: I have no regrets.

ReginaGeorge: The one time I'm actually proud of Mila.


ReginaGeorge: Lies.

RedSoloCup: Fuck you.
RedSoloCup: You dye your hair blond!

ReginaGeorge: And you dye your hair with Kool aid.
ReginaGeorge: Bitch what's new?

RedSoloCup: Your ice skating skills.

KitKatsuki: Kids stop roasting each other!

Selfiegameonpoint: Yeah!
Selfiegameonpoint: Wait until I get the camera!

KitKatsuki: Phichit no!

Selfiegameonpoint: You don't own me.

KitKatsuki: ...
KitKatsuki: Lord give me strength.

RedSoloCup: Lord Voldemort.

Selfiegameonpoint: Voldetort.

RedSoloCup: Let's name our turtle that.

KitKatsuki: I wish I was Viktor's phone.

RedSoloCup: You sure?
RedSoloCup: Cause Viktor has done some inappropriate things with his phone.

KitKatsuki: Nothing I haven't seen yet.

KitKatsuki has left the chat room

RedSoloCup: OH MY GOD!

Selfiegameonpoint: WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!

ReginaGeorge: I've seen too much.

ReginaGeorge has left the chat room

RedSoloCup: Hey Phichit.

Selfiegameonpoint: Yes Mila?

RedSoloCup: If I die and anyone wants to see my phone, burn it.

Selfiegameonpoint: I thought you said you wanted it to be buried with you so that if someone wanted it they'd have to dig up for grave and you'd be like "Surprise mother fucker" and scare them away.

RedSoloCup: No one can see the screenshots I have on here.
RedSoloCup: No one.

Selfiegameonpoint: Okay.

RedSoloCup has left the chat room

Selfiegameonpoint has left the chat room

A/N: Two Things I need to say.

1. I have a hard time not imagining Mila and Phichit as Fred and George.

2. Where are my Doctor Who fans?

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