Babe, You're My Madness

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ReginaGeorge has entered the chat room

Otabae has entered the chat room

ReginaGeorge: No one expected that

Otabae: I know
Otabae: I'm still kinda embarrassed
Otabae: I can't believe we did that

ReginaGeorge: I can.
ReginaGeorge: I got a donut afterwards
ReginaGeorge: It was pretty memorable

Otabae: You went to get donuts without me?

ReginaGeorge: No...

Otabae: 😢

ReginaGeorge: Please stop
ReginaGeorge: That reminds me of Viktor

Otabae: The other day I showed you a photo of a prison and you said it reminded you of Viktor.

ReginaGeorge: And...?

Otabae: I also showed you a photo of trash and you said the same.

ReginaGeorge: I don't see your point.

Otabae: I showed you an actual photo of him and you said it reminded you of failure.

ReginaGeorge: No...?

Otabae: You're such an amazing person

ReginaGeorge: T-Thanks!

Otabae: I'd take it you're flustered

ReginaGeorge: Very

Otabae: You're my madness

ReginaGeorge: !

Otabae has left the chat room

ReginaGeorge: Mh hearts racing...

ReginaGeorge has left the chat room

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