Hotel California

739 46 13

ReginaGeorge has entered the chat room

Otabae has entered the chat room

ReginaGeorge: Hey

Otabae: Hey

ReginaGeorge: What are you up to?

Otabae: Listening to music.
Otabae: Wbu?

ReginaGeorge: Reading.
ReginaGeorge: What song are you listening to?

Otabae: Hotel California

ReginaGeorge: !!!
ReginaGeorge: I love that song...

Otabae: Really?
Otabae: I didn't take you for one that'd stray from heavy metal

ReginaGeorge: Do you even know me?

Otabae: Is like to say I do.

ReginaGeorge: That's good...

Otabae: We can hang out next weekend if you'd  like.

ReginaGeorge: I'd love that.

Otabae: Well...
Otabae: Goodnight

ReginaGeorge: Goodnight

Otabae has left the chat room

ReginaGeorge has left the chat room

A/N: Hi! It isn't like me to leave author's notes, but please make sure to vote! It motivates me to write more when I see you guys voting! Also, make sure to check out my other works! Thanks.

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