I Love You Come Home

452 31 15

KitKatsuki has entered the chat room

Selfiegameonpoint has entered the chat room

Selfiegameonpoint: Hey!
Selfiegameonpoint: What have you been up to?

KitKatsuki: I'm mad at Viktor.

Selfiegameonpoint: WHAT?!
Selfiegameonpoint: WHY?!
Selfiegameonpoint: WHAT HAPPENED?!

KitKatsuki: He did something...

IceBitch has entered the chat room

IceBitch: Yuuri! I love you come home!

KitKatsuki: No, Viktor.
KitKatsuki: I can't keep going like this.

IceBitch: I promise I'll change!
IceBitch: It meant nothing to me!

KitKatsuki: But it did to me! I trusted you and you went behind my back and betrayed me!

IceBitch: Yuuri please come back home.

KitKatsuki: Goodbye, Viktor.

KitKatsuki has left the chat room

Selfiegameonpoint: What did you do to him?

IceBitch: I ate his Kit Kat stash.

Selfiegameonpoint: Sorry can't help.
Selfiegameonpoint: Yuuri locked me in a closet for six hours because I dared to even ask for a piece.

Selfiegameonpoint has left the chat room

IceBitch: Yuuri I love you please come back home.

IceBitch has left the chat room

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