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Jacob's pov:

When Hunter walks up the stairs with Amelia in his arms, I turn towards Sky, to see that she is staring at the spot where Hunter just stood. I cough to get her attention. She looks towards me and blushes when she sees me looking at her with a knowing look.

She walks over to the couches and sits down on one. I look towards the stairs and remember the way Hunter was looking at Sky. He had pride and I believe love in his eyes when looking at her.

They both kept trying to sneak glances at each other when they believed that no one was looking, but I saw everything. It was funny watching than trying to act innocent and like they were not doing anything, but it was kind of hard to ignore when I was literally in between them. I don't know why he was looking at her that way, but I believe it's because she is the one who saved Amelia and brought her home, I only helped a bit.

I look towards Sky again and ask, "do you like Hunter?"

She looks up at me like a deer caught in headlights. She turns even redder before she replies with, "what do you mean?"

"I mean, do you like him?"

"Ummm............ He is cute, but we didn't come here for me to get a boyfriend. Why do you ask? Do you think he likes me?" Sky asks, looking and sounding a little bit too hopeful for my liking.

I do not reply, I just chuckle under my breath and shake my head. If they do get together, which hopefully doesn't happen because she is too young to have a boyfriend, and he breaks my little sister's heart, he is dead.

Hunter's pov:

I'm walking down the stairs when I hear Sky and Jacob conversation. I don't want to be rude and eavesdrop, but I can't help it.

" like Hunter?"

"Ummm.......... He is cute, like really cute, but we didn't come here for me to get a boyfriend." At this, I became sad because my wolf and I thought that our mate doesn't want us, but then she continues, "why do you ask? Do you think he likes me?" I can hear how hopeful she is and that makes me very happy.

I don't hear Jacob respond but I did hear him chuckle. I decide that that is enough, I won't have him laugh at my mate, even if he is her brother. I walk around the corner and see that Jacob is now bending over clutching his stomach and Sky is blushing so red that it is going down her neck. My wolf is begging me to take her upstairs to see how far her blush goes. I shake away the dirty thoughts and cough to get their attention.

When Sky sees me, she turns even redder, but when Jacob sees me his laughter dies down and he is left chuckling under his breath again. I get a report from my two cooks, through the pack mind link, telling me that dinner is almost done.

"Dinner is almost ready. If you would please follow me, I will show you to the kitchen." I say to them.

I turn around and walk out of the living room and into the kitchen, to see Chloe and Trevor, my two personal cooks, placing the food onto the plates. They as not just my cooks, they are also some of my closest friends. I trust them with my life that is why I let them in my house.

Chloe is 26 and Trevor is 28. They are also mates, they have been for almost 10 years now. They were the best of friends before finding out they were mates. I hope me and Sky end up like them, happily together.

Sky's pov:

I follow behind Jacob and Hunter with my head down and my hair covering the blush on my face. When I step into the kitchen, I see two people, a girl and a boy, placing food on four plates.

"Sky. Jacob. I would like to introduce you to two of my closest friends, Chloe and Trevor. Chloe, Trevor meet Sky and Jacob." Hunter says introducing everyone to everyone.

"We should be going now. It's getting dark. Hopefully, we will see you again." Chloe says, turning towards me and Jacob at the end.

We both nod and then say our goodbyes. When Chloe hugs Hunter, to say goodbye, I get this weird feeling and I can't brush it off.

The longer they hug, the more this feeling tries to control me. It's making me want to walk over to them and pull Chloe by her hair away from what is mine.


Hunter is not mine. When did I become so obsessive over someone that is not mine? I think I am going crazy.

"Jealousy is not a good look on you." Jacob whispers, my face turns bright red when I think about what he said.

I can't be jealous, can I?



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Sorry I haven't updated in so long. Let me know what you think.


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