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Rosabella's pov:

In a couple of days, I will be turning 18, and I will be given a choice. I can take over the thrown now or wait till I find my mate so we can rule together,  and I don't know what to do.

I have been raised being taught how to rule this kingdom without a mate, so I know everything and would not struggle, but there has been more rogue attacks and hunter sightings these past couple of months, so I know if I don't choose to find my mate now, I don't know how long it will be until I will find him, that's to say I don't lose him before I find him.

I decided that I needed to clear my head as all this thinking is causing a headache and not getting me anywhere, so going for a run is what I do.

I quickly get undressed and put all my clothes in a bag and get ready to run. I've been running for about twenty minutes and realise I am nearing the pack border.

For some reason, I have this feeling that I need to keep going, so I mind link my parents to let them know I will be leaving for a bit and cross over, and that's when I smell it.

There's another lycan nearby.

I follow the scent and soon start to realise that this scent is too strong for just one lycan, and it's not just lycans I'm smelling, there's regular werewolves as well.

I haven't met another lycan apart from my family and The Council pack, and I've always been told there isn't that many of us left and who is left is usually in hiding. But yet here we are, with at least 20 lycans and 50 werewolves all together.

Because of my shock, I forgot that I should be careful and stay hidden, and I accidently step on a stick. The noise of it snapping echoes in the air,  and soon, everyone is staring  right at me.

I don't know what to do in this situation so I quickly go behind the tree turn back to my human form and get changed into my clothes and then walk back out for them to see me and I give them a friendly wave and smile trying to seem friendly enough for them not to all try and attack me, that won't go well for them. I take a close look at them all, trying to figure out if they are a threat or not to my pack.

One lycan in particular catches my attention. From the way he stands and holds himself, I can tell he's the one in charge.

"Who are you?" He asks, and oh my god, his voice, I almost melted.

"I think I should be the one asking questions, considering you are all stationed, not that far from my pack." I tell him, not letting him push me around.

"What do you mean your pack? The only pack around here is the Royal Pack, and it's run by the King and Queen, who are nearly 40. And you hun, don't look like your 40, even in lycan years." He tells me.

"Yes, I know where my pack is and how old my parents are. Thank you very much for the reminder, though."

He finally stops trying to stare me down and has a look of surprise on his face.

"You are the Princess?"

"Well, that depends. Are you here to attack my pack or for protection?" I ask, walking over towards him and taking a seat near him, keeping an eye on everyone around us at the same time.

"Do you not fear us?" The man asks, looking a bit confused.

"Should I?" I respond back.

The man stares at me for a while, and I start to feel my lycan stir and get confused slightly on what I'm feeling and then it goes away when the man stops staring at me and turns to everyone, telling them to go back to what they were doing before.

"So you are the one in charge?" I ask, needing confirmation.

"I guess you could say that." He tells me.

"What are you all doing here?" I question.

"We all have escaped from either rogue attacks, hunter traps, or both."

The man goes on to tell me all about what is happening outside my pack and how bad it is actually getting when a wolf comes running into the area, warning us that hunters are arriving.

"Follow me." I tell his, standing up.

"What?" He asks, sounding very shocked. I hear the whispers of everyone else around us getting confused as well, so I repeat myself, slightly louder this time.

"What do you mean 'what'? Follow me, you will be safe in my pack, and we will protect you. All of you." I tell him, making sure everyone understood that if they get inside my pack borders, they will finally be safe.

I shift back into my lycan form, tearing my clothes in the process, but I didn't really want to get undressed in front of these people just quite yet.

I let my pack know I will be coming back across the border soon, and I will be bringing guests and that hunters are close by as well. I nod my head towards the direction of my pack, and soon they are all following me.

Well, I guess this is just another day in The Life Of A Lycan Princess.


Let me know what you think.

This is the end of this story, but I am thinking about carrying it on from Rosabella's story. Please let me know if that would interest you.

Thank you all for reading my story, and thank you for the 70k views. I'm so grateful for everyone who has read my book and enjoyed it.


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