Shit! No, his inner most desires thrashed against the iron bars.

Helena curled into his lap as he awkwardly moved his beer up to his mouth.

His free hand was on her back.

He didn't realize how thirsty he was until he realized that he had almost drank the whole thing. She titled her head at him, that smirk forming as he placed his beer down.

"What do you want Leni?" Clayton said, a little loudly as the music played around them.

Samuel was watching them carefully as he lounged on the side of the leather booth, he had moved on to tequila shots.

It made Clayton uncomfortable being watched.

"Oh. Clayton. It's been over a year. I haven't heard from you. No texts or calls. Nothing," Helena pouted with the dark, twinkle in her eyes, her hand stroking his forearm.

"I've miss you in my bed. Remember when we went to Valparaíso together? Oh, I think about that week often Papai," she whispered in his ear, her teeth teasing his earlobe.

Papai? His subconscious sneered.

He was being careful not to get hard. He does remember that week and it almost killed him.

Her pussy was like crack his thoughts droned. That week was mostly just sex, drugs and drinking, then more sex with a little sleep thrown in between.

Clayton moved his thoughts to study her lips.

That glossy shade of pink she wore was shimming in the dim lights of the Empress.

He suddenly thought about those lips around his cock. Helena on her knees, taking him deeper.


"Well Leni. I've been busy. I'm engaged now actually. Things have change. I'm sorry. We can't."

Her eyes narrowed. Clayton could see she was calculating her next move.

"Oh well, Congratulations." Helena whispered.

Her eyes pricked up, her pulse quicken.

Clayton struggled to hear her, but her facial expression screamed in anguish.

She moved to get off him and stood up without a thought, he shuffled uncomfortably as Clayton reached up to hug her goodbye.

She kissed his cheek and lingered a little too long for his comfort.

"Don't forget about me. I'd love an invitation to your wedding. Maybe a goodbye fuck later? I'm sure your little fiancée wouldn't know. Hell, I'll give you a far rate for old times sake, my big, sweet Gringo," she whispered in his ear again, her hot breath purring as she stroked his crotch area.

OH MY GOD!  Clayton thoughts were screaming.

Clayton just stared, ignoring everything as she walked away from the table and into the dancing crowd.

It wasn't even two seconds after Clayton turned his attention back onto his second beer when Sam moved to his side.

"I swear you were going to fuck her on this sofa. Weren't you guys a thing?" Sam was in his ear.

He was drunk, slurring every word.

"Once," Clayton said plainly, trying not to dig up that past.

"Are you sure Alice is the right girl for you?"

Be careful....his subconscious hissed,

Clayton could tell Sam said that with hesitation.
His eyes narrowed as he stood up, looking down at a meek Sam, who quickly jumped up in defense.

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