Chapter Five:

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She turned on her heels. Clayton following behind her. Arms clasped behind his back. He was ready to do some damage control.

He grabbed her hand. She jerked her head towards him, ripping her hand from his grip.

Rejection hurt.

Tears flooded down Alice's cheeks as they stood at the top of the stairs. Ruth and Daniel were behind Clayton. The judgmental stares were not helping his focus at the moment. His palms were sweating.

Fuck Helena doesn't mean anything! Clayton's thoughts were thrashing to break free against the iron bars.

"Allie. It didn't mean anything. Honest," Clayton pleaded, trying to read her expression quickly.

"Clayton! Abruti!" Alice snapped, tucking a few strains of her hair back, behind her ear.

Frustration was radiating off her.

Shit! I've screwed up! Clayton thought.

He was in the dog house.

He sulked as she walked back down the stairs with Ruth. They walked side by side through the crowds together. Clayton watched as Ruth wrapped her arm around Alice.

"When did they become besties?" Clayton muttered under his breath.

He leaned against the bannisters of the hotel, breathing deeply.

"What the fuck was that in there?" Daniel finally voiced an opinion.

Clayton sighed, taking another deeper breath, "Fuck. I don't know. Helena and I have fucked up history. An ex-girlfriend so to speak."

"An ex who tried to kill you? Who is most likely working alongside Philip and Vanessa. When did he get groupies?"

Daniel said, staring towards the direction of Ruth and Alice.

"Fucking Charles Manson wanna-be-wives'. Fucking stupid whores!" Clayton hissed, his anger rising.

His eyes then flicked over to Daniel. He noticed that he was fidgeting with a new piece of jewellery on his left hand.

A wedding ring?

"Holy fuck man!" Clayton changed the subject really quick, softening as the red, anger haze faded.

Smiling bright as he grabbed Daniel's hand. Inspecting the thin, gold band.

"When the fuck did that happen?"

Daniel smiled all coy. Clayton could tell he was a little subconscious about it as he brought his hand back to his face, lifting his hand through his hair.

"It happened back in December, just before we visited Alice in hospital. Just us, no family, much to Mrs Miller's....Josephine's, dismay. She's a hard woman and was a little upset when we told her. But we didn't want to say anything to the group until now when the rings were finally made."

Clayton hugged him. Daniel wasn't use this burst of emotion from Clayton. It's a new thing between them.

"Welcome to the family now Mr Reyes. Congratulations man. Honest," Clayton said, watching Daniel beam before his smile turned into a slight frown.

"Seriously Clayton. Sort your shit out and apologize to Alice. She loves you and didn't deserve to see that. So fucked up."

Clayton nodded. They walked together back down the stairs and towards the car and their waiting partners. He quietly congratulated Ruth, on her marriage, spotting a matching thin gold band on her left hand. She smiled, beaming silent bliss as he gave her a rare hug.

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