Chapter 13: The Wendigo

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 song: Crossfire by Stephen

I woke up and blinked with my eyes to get used to the dark. I was in some kind of cave my hands tied to each other at some kind of pipe. I saw bones laying around and the only light I saw was from a gap in the top of the cave. "Are you awake?." I hear someone ask.
I looked next to me and saw a girl in the same state as me. "Yeah are you one of the campers?"
" Yes I'm Denise."
"I'm Angelica."
"I would say nice to meet you but under this circumstances." She answers
"It took my friends and some other guy, I am scared Angelica I don't know what it is and why is it killing us." She replies frightened
"That is a Wendigo and I am a hunter that came here to save you."
"Well that didn't go as planned I think," She responds.
"No I wasn't alone, my friends will come get us." I reply
"I hope they come quick." She says.
"Me too." I respond. But then I heard the Wendigo"
"It is here." Denise says.
I looked at the entrance of the cave and saw the Wendigo coming into view. He walked towards Denise. She screamed. When he stood close by I kicked him. His head snapped towards me and his claws wrapped around my neck. I couldn't breath and so I closed my eyes ready to die but then I heard the Wendigo scream. I opened my eyes and saw that the wendigo was on fire. It let go off me and tried to ran away but it was too late for the wendigo he fell to the ground and turned in ashes.

Then someone cut me lose and I fell only to be catched by Dean. I looked in his green eyes and placed my hand on his cheek. He smiled down at me "You're okay. I got you" He whispers. I couldn't get any word out so I stayed quiet with a smile on my face. "Can you stand?" He asks me. I nodded and he helped me stand. I looked next to Dean to see Sam standing by Denise. I walked towards them and wrapped my arms around Sam. He hugged me back "Lica you stupid girl." I smiled at him. I let go of him and turned to Denise.
"you okay?" I ask her with a hoarse voice.
"Is he dead?" she asks pointing to the dead Wendigo.
"I don't know does he normally lay on the ground like that." Dean replies. I glared at him.
"I take that as a Yes." Denise responds.
"Well let's get the hell out of here, shall we?" I ask them.
"Great Idea. So where is the exit?" Denise asks.
"Follow us." Sam says.

"You jumped in this hole without a rope. How could you guys be so stupid, you could have broken something and now we can't get out because there isn't a rope." I say to the boys.
"Well saving you was the only thing on my mind then." Dean replies. This makes my heart melt.
"Well thank you but what now?"
"We can try climbing." Sam suggested.
"Or you let me help you guys out." A deep voice says behind me. I turned around to see a guy in a trench coat. I screamed at his sudden appearance.
"Who are you?" I ask.
"I'm Castiel." He replied.
"Ah so you're the Angel best friend. I am Angelica." I say sticking my hand out.
"You're the Angelica, the girl who died in a fire a long time ago." He says shaking my hand.
"Yeah I wasn't actually in the fire. my uncle saved me and told me it was safer for everyone to think I was dead and when he died I went to my other uncle named Bobby." I explained to Castiel.
"So you're Bobby singers niece and a friend of the Winchesters."
"Yes that's me."
"Well it is nice to meet you Angelica."
"Well you guys have some strange lives." Denise replies.
"You don't know the half of it." Dean responds.
"Cass since you are here can you maybe help us out, you can get to know Angelica when we're back at Bobby." Sam says.
"Of course." He says snapping his fingers.

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