Losing One Of The Family

Start from the beginning

 "Paige, what's going on?" Roman asked nervously.

 "It's...it's Dean, he's gone!" She answered.

 "What?" Roman said, hoping he heard her wrong.

 "Zander's missing too!" She added, as they left the room and went downstairs to the living room.

 Once there they found Seth, Grant and both kids, but Dean and Zander were gone. Roman didn't want to believe either of them had just left them alone to fight against Vassago and the others, but that's what it looked like! 

 "You...you don't think they abandoned..." 

 "No!" Roman said firmly, cutting Grant off; even though he had just been thinking the exact same thing only seconds before, he didn't now though. "They'd never do that to us, especially Dean!"

 "Where are they then?" Grant questioned nervously.

 Before Roman could answer, his phone rang, it surprised everyone causing them to jump a little from the unexpected noise. He quickly took it out of his pocket and looked at it, he was secretly relieved to see it was Dean!

 "Dean, where are you? We woke up and you guys were..." Roman said quickly, after he had answered it.

 "I'm sorry baby boy, we didn't mean to scare you guys. Zander and I left early to scout for Vamps, we're on our way back now!" Dean explained, cutting him off, feeling like an ass for not leaving a note.

 "Did...did you find any?"

 "No, but they'll be coming any time now! We're just..."

 Dean was cut off by Zander hitting the brakes to avoid something in the road, Roman heard the screeching of the tires, before the sound of breaking glass and then muffled voices. Panicked Roman called out to them, fear gripped his heart when it suddenly got quiet on the other end of the phone and no one answered him. As he tried to get Dean or Zander to answer him, Seth; who had been standing near the window, suddenly tensed, before he turned to face them.

 "Uh guys, we've got company!"

 "Is it Keeper?" Paige asked, as they all began getting their weapons ready.

 "I didn't see him, but I did see about six; maybe more, Vamps surrounding the house!" Seth answered.

 "Dammit!" Roman said, as he quickly hung up and put his phone back in his pocket. "Keeper was supposed to come here!"

 "Yeah well, he brought backup!" Seth said angrily.

 Suddenly the sounds of windows breaking upstairs was heard, Roman, Seth, Paige and Grant grabbed their weapons. They then began to quickly make their way to the front door, keeping both Violet and Rose in the middle to protect them; Seth was in the lead, Roman took the back, while Paige and Grant were on either sides of the girls. As Seth opened the door he came face to face with two, large, angry Vamps, before anyone could react, one of the Vamps grabbed him by his throat and threw him backwards, where he hit a wall hard.

 "Seth!" Rose screamed terrified, as she held Violet tighter.

 Paige quickly told Rose to hide and not to come out unless one of them came for them. She nodded her head, tears in her eyes, before she ran away, just as three more Vamps came downstairs to join the two that came in through the front door. Seth got back to his feet with Roman's help, he shook off the dizziness caused by his fall. 

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