One word He uses to describe You

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Damon Salvatore- Sweet. Because you are as sweet as pie to him and everyone else and you always try to help everyone no matter what.

Stefan Salvatore- Hilarious. Stefan describes you as hilarious because you always make him laugh even when he knows you are trying to be serious he just finds you hilarious especially when you make jokes and have face expressions that to him are "to adorable".

Jeremy Gilbert- Energetic. You see always ready to do something no matter what it is. You are always running around and have energy to spare. He loves your energeticness and he wouldn't change it for the world.

Tyler Lockwood- Amazing. You are amazing especially in Tyler's eyes. He thinks everything you do is amazing no matter what it is.

Matt Donovan- Important. To Matt you are the most important person in the world. No one even comes close to you. He loves you and you are the most important person.

Klaus Mikaelson- Unique. Klaus describes you with unique. You are very unique and he loves that about you. You are the most unique person he has met in his life and he is happy to call you his.

Elijah Mikaelson- Refined. Elijah knows you are very elegant in manners, appearance and everything. He loves that about you because you are always so refined especially in special occasions.

Kol Mikaelson- Everything. You are Kol's everything. He can't describe you in just one simple word because there are so many things about you that he loves and he loves everything about you. He sees no flaws in you you are perfect in his eyes.

Kai- Powerful. Kai knows you are very powerful in more ways then one. He knows you are strong at magic and he knows you are a strong person who experienced many things.

Enzo- Beautiful. Enzo describes you as beautiful. But it's not just in appearance it's in personality to. He believes that you have a beautiful appearance but an even more beautiful personality.

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