He Finds Out

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Damon Salvatore- You saw Damon and you walked to him. Is everything okay? He asked. You can tell me. He added. You pulled out the two pregnancy testers. Did you cheat? He asked. No I didn't this is your child I don't know how but it happened. You said. He hugged you. I'm so happy I'm going to be a dad. He said with a smile.

Stefan Salvatore- Stefan came over and hugged me. How are you? He asked. I'm fine. You said. Elena gave you the look and you sighed. Stefan I need to tell you something. You said. What is it? He asked. I'm pregnant. You said. You cheated! He yelled mad. No I didn't it's yours. You said. He looked at you. I can't wait to be a dad. He said with a smile. You are? You asked. Yes I love you and I'll love our child. He said.

Jeremy Gilbert- You were with Elena still and you were nervous. Hi I'm home. Jeremy said. Jeremy F/N needs to tell you something. Elena said. What is it? He asked worried. I'm pregnant. You said. He smiled and picked you up. Really? He asked. Yes! You yelled happily. He hugged you. I can't wait to be a dad. He said. You looked behind you and you saw Elena smiling.

Tyler Lockwood- You were lost in thought all alone and someone hugged you from behind. Ah! You screamed. Scared you. Tyler said laughing. Not funny. You said. Especially when I'm pregnant. You said. Your pregnant?! He yelled shocked. Yes. You said. He smiled and kissed you. I'm so happy right now. He said. You smiled. I'm glad. You said.

Matt Donovan-You were waiting for Matt and you saw him and you ran to him. Matt I'm pregnant. You said. Your what? He asked. Pregnant. You said with a smile and he smiled. He hugged you. I'm going to be a father! He yelled. You smiled. I love you and our baby. He said.

Klaus Mikaelson- Klaus! You yelled. Come here! You added. Is everything alright? He asked. I'm pregnant. You said. You cheated! He yelled and got mad. Really Niklaus she loves you she didn't cheat this is YOUR kid! Rebekah yelled. It is your kid I don't know how but it is yours. You said. He looked at you and hugged you. I'm so sorry. He said. I was just scared. He whispered. You are going to be a great dad trust me. You said and kissed his cheek. I guess we should tell Elijah. Klaus said. I already heard. He said. Congratulations. He said with a smile.

Elijah Mikaelson- Elijah. You said. What is it? He asked. I'm pregnant and it's yours. You said. That can't be. He said. It is yours I didn't cheat. You said. How is this possible? He asked. I don't know but I do know that it's a miracle. You said with a smile. He hugged you. I'm so happy to be a father. He said. You giggled. I'll protect you both with my life. He said.

Kol Mikaelson- Everyone was sitting down. I'm pregnant with Kol's child. You said. How is this possible? He asked. I don't know exactly but I do know that it is yours. You said. He hugged you. I'm so happy I get to be a father. He said with a bright smile. I'm so happy for you two. Klaus said. Congratulations. Elijah said. I get to be an Aunt. Rebekah said happily.

Kai- You saw Kai practicing magic. Kai. You said. Hi F/N. He said. You hugged him. Would you ever want to be a father? You asked. Yes why? He asked. I'm pregnant and it's yours. You said. His eyes went wide. Really? He asked. Yes I'm pregnant. You said with a smile. He smiled at you and spun you in the air. Let's hope they aren't twins. He said. Why do you say that? You asked. It's because of the Gemini Coven. He said. Oh that's why. You said. If they are I'm going to protect them with my life. He said. I will too. You said. Or we can leave Mystic falls. You said. That would be big. He said. I'm going to protect them and you. He said and hugged you.

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