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How you met- You were Damon's best friend and adopted sister. Why do I have to meet Enzo? You asked. Because you two will get along. Damon said. What if he bites me? You asked. He won't. Damon said. You rolled your eyes. Okay. You said. You two walked to a meeting spot and you saw a man. Enzo! Damon exclaimed happily. Damon ! Enzo said. Who is this? He asked. This is F/N my other best friend and my adopted sister F/N this is Enzo. Damon said. What a pretty name. Enzo said. Thanks. You said. She's just a little nervous. Damon said.

Getting to know each other- You were hanging out with Damon and Enzo. I'm going to go. Damon said. Okay bye. You said. So how do you know Damon? You asked. Augustines. Enzo said. How do you know Damon? He asked. I met him when I was younger and I was all alone we eventually became best friends and he said that I was his sister and he was my brother. You said. Want to do something fun? You asked. Like what? He asked. I don't know let's just go shopping. You said. Fine fine. Enzo said.

You think You like him- You were walking with Damon but you kept thinking about his other best friend Enzo. There was something about Enzo that you couldn't stop thinking about. You were thinking about his brown eyes and his personality and everything. Hey F/N are you okay? Damon asked. This is your fault I feel this way. You said.

He Think he Likes You- (His POV)
I was thinking about my best friend's adopted sister. It's not like she is his sister so that shouldn't matter but he does view her as a sister. I thought. But she is so pretty and nice I have never met anyone like her. She is unique. I thought. I saw Damon and F/N I ran to her.

He asks you out- You saw Enzo in front of you. Where did you come from? You asked. Doesn't matter. He said. I need to ask you something important. He said. Ask away. You said. Will you go out with me? He asked. Yes. You said with a smile. Damon's eyes widened. When did you two start having a connection? He asked.  You made us meet. You both said in unison. He shook his head.

First Kiss- You and Enzo were with Damon and Damon got a message from Elena so he left. I never thought he would leave. Enzo said. Damon is protective over me but he likes Elena. You said. That makes sense people do stuff for love. Enzo said. Enzo walked over to you and he kissed you and you kissed back. First kiss. You thought.

Date Time- You were getting ready for your date. You put on jeans a white shirt and a jacket. Are you ready for your date? Stefan asked. Wait did I hear that correctly a date? Damon asked. Damon I'm an adult I can go on a date. You said. At least you are going on a date with someone I know. Damon said. He's here. Stefan said with a smirk. You grabbed your purse and you ran downstairs and you saw Enzo. Hi gorgeous. Enzo said. Hi darling. You said. You two walked out and you went to a hill and you two laid down. He looked at you and he kissed you and you kissed back.

Nicknames- Your Nickname- Flawless because to him you are flawless.
His Nickname Handsome because to you he is very attractive and handsome.

What he loves most about you- He loves that you know what you want when you want and how to get it. You have determination and drive and he loves that about you.

He's Jealous- With Damon and Stefan being close to the Gilberts you were close to them to but not at close as Damon and Stefan. You have been talking to Jeremy about his issues and you have been spending more time with him then Enzo. F/N do you want to go out on a date? Enzo asked. I can't I need to talk to Jeremy. You said. Jeremy Jeremy Jeremy is that all you care about? He asked. You smirked. Are you jealous? You asked. I'm not jealous. He said. You hugged him. Jeremy is going through a lot that's why I have been talking to him. You said. Well I love you F/N. He said. I love you to and after I'm done we will go out on a date. You said. Okay. He said.

Who is Jealous of Your Relationship- Bonnie whether she wants to admit it she likes Enzo. 

He cheats- You were going to see Bonnie and you saw two people in front of her house. You saw Enzo kissing Bonnie and Bonnie kissing back. You were shocked and you were hurt. So for how long? You asked. They both flinched once they heard your voice. F-f/N. They both said. Enzo we are over go out with Bonnie. You said and you ran away crying.

The Vampire Diaries PreferencesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora