Meet the Mikaelsons

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How You Met
Klaus- You were a member of a wolf pack in Mystic Falls and you were walking around and you bumped into a man. Woah there love. The man said. I'm sorry. You said. He's kinda cute. You thought. It's okay I'm Klaus and who are you? He asked. I'm F/N. You said. It's nice to meet you F/N. He said. I hope to see you again and he walked off. Me too. You said.

Elijah- You were sitting by yourself at a café. May I sit here? A male voice asked. You can. You said. I'm Elijah may I ask what is your name? He asked. My name is F/N it's nice to meet you Elijah. You said. The pleasure is all mine. He said. I hope to see you again F/N. He said. Will we see each other again? You asked. Yes you can count on it. He said with a chuckle.

Kol- You were a friend of Damon and Stefan and the best friend of Elena. You and Elena got ready to go to a ball. How do I look? You asked. Beautiful. She said. You arrived at the ball and you began to walk around. Don't stray to far. Elena said. I won't. You whispered back. Hello my name is Kol might I ask what your name is?He asked. My name is F/N. You said. It's nice to meet you F/N I hope we meet again. He said and smiled. Me too. You said.

Getting to Know Each other
Klaus- You were in the forest around the same area you met Klaus. If it isn't F/N. Klaus said. Hi Klaus. You said. Let me guess you are a wolf. He said. How did you know? You asked. You just seem like the wolf type. He said. I'm a vampire and a wolf. He said. That can't be possible. You said. But it is. He said. I guess anything is possible. You said. He chuckled. Yes love it is. He said. Here contact me if you ever need something. He said.

Elijah- You saw Elijah at a store. Hi. You said. Hello F/N this is my brother Niklaus. He introduced. How do you do? Niklaus asked. I'm fine. You said. Well I'll leave you two to talk. His brother said. I'm sorry about him. He said. No it's okay I probably shouldn't of even came over. You said. No I like talking to you. He said. That's good because I like talking to you too. You said blushing. I'm glad. He said.

Kol- You were walking to see Elena. Why hello F/N. A familiar voice said. You turned around and you saw Kol. Hi Kol. You said. Did you like the ball? He asked. I did it was very fun. You said. Thats good the highlight of the night was defiantly meeting you. He said. You blushed. You are a little flirt. You said.  Only to you. He said.

You think you like him
Klaus- You were listening to Stefan yell about something Damon did. But you couldn't just listen you were thinking about something well someone to be exact. You were thinking about the hybrid Klaus. He was very mysterious but really nice too. He also had a great accent. This is a crush isn't it? You thought. You sighed. Are you even listening to me? Stefan asked. Yes I am. You said. Okay well. He started but you thought of Klaus again.

Elijah- You were at the cafe and you looking at your drink and you thought about Elijah. He was so sweet and kind and really proper. You thought. I think this is a crush. You thought. Hello F/N. Elijah said and sat down. Hi. You said. How is your day? He asked. It's good. You said. How is yours? You asked. Even better. He said and smiled. You blushed and smiled.

Kol- F/N do you have a crush on Kol? Elena asked. Why do you think that? You asked blushing. Because you are blushing. Elena said. He's just really attractive and nice and sweet. You said. You do like him. Elena said with a smile. You looked down and smiled. Maybe I do. You said. Go get him. Elena said. You nodded and you walked to the Mikaelson's house.

He thinks he likes you (Guys POV)
Klaus- I was thinking about the wolf girl F/N. I was distracted from my duties because of her. She was so pretty and her personality is perfect but what good would she see in me. I bet she likes one of the Salvatores. I thought.  I wish she would even consider going out with me. I thought. I need to tell her how I feel. I thought. Elijah I'm stepping out for a bit. I told him. Okay brother. He said.

Elijah- I was sitting with F/N. I adored her the way she talked the way she smiled and just her in general. No words can describe how I feel about her. I think this is a crush but I'm not sure. I thought. I blushed at looking into her pretty eyes. This is a crush. I thought. Can I ask you something? I asked. Go ahead. She said. I breathed in.

Kol- F/N is gorgeous and amazing and all around a great person. Kol what are you so deep in thought in? Elijah asked. Probably a girl. Rebekah said. I'm just thinking about a person. I said blushing. The girl you were talking with at the ball? Rebekah asked. Yes that girl and her name is F/N.  I said. So you like this girl? Elijah asked. I do. I said. I see her coming this way so tell her. Rebekah said. I saw her and I raced downstairs to see her. F/N! I called out. Hi! She answered. What are you going here? I asked her. I need to tell you something. She said. I need to tell you something. I said.

He Asks You Out
Klaus-  I saw Klaus standing there. I ran to him and he ran to me.  F/N I need to tell you something. He said. I need to tell you something. You said. Let me go first. He said. F/N I like you a lot will you go out with me? He asked. Yes I like you too. You said with a smile. So that means you are now my girlfriend. He said. Yes. You said.

Elijah- Go ahead. You said. You saw him breathe in. F/N I love talking to you and I really like you will you go out with me? He asked. Yes. You said with a smile. He smiled back. I'm glad you said yes. He said. Me too. You said.

Kol- I need to tell you something. He said. He looked at you in your eyes. You are so pretty and kind and sweet and so much more. He began. This sounds like a breakup or marriage proposal. You joked. F/N will you do me the honor and become my girlfriend? He asked. Yes! You exclaimed happily. He smiled and you smiled back.

First Kiss
Klaus- You were hanging out with Klaus. What do you want to do later? You asked. I don't know love what do you want to do? He asked. I don't know. You said. He ran to you and he kissed you and you kissed back. That got you to be quiet for a moment. He said with a smirk. You know you love my voice. You said. Maybe. He said.

Elijah- You were with Elijah and Klaus gathering materials for something. What do you guys need? You asked. Don't worry we will get the materials. Elijah said. Don't worry your pretty little head about it. Klaus said. Stay here. Elijah said and kissed you and you kissed back. You are coming back right? You asked. Yes I am. He said with a smile and a chuckle. Good. You said and kissed his cheek.

Kol- You were at Kol's house spending time with Kol as his siblings were out. You were walking around looking at everything. Hey F/N. He said and you turned to him. Hi Kol. You said. He walked over to you slowly and he leaned in and you leaned in. He kissed you and you kissed back. That was amazing. He said.

Date Time
Klaus- You were getting ready for a date night with Klaus. You put on a white dress with flats. You heard a knock on the door. You opened the door and you saw Klaus smirking. Are you ready? He asked. I am. You said. You shut the door and you walked out with Klaus. Where are we going? You asked. The falls. He said. The falls at night it must be really pretty. You said. Not as pretty as you. Klaus said. You blushed at his comment. You two arrived at the falls. It's so pretty. You said. He walked over to you and hugged you and kissed your forehead. Not as pretty as you love. He whispered.

Elijah- You grabbed a shirt and skirt with flats for your date with Elijah. You heard your doorbell ring. You went downstairs and you saw Elijah holding a small bouquet of flowers. Hi. You said and smiled. He smiled. Hello F/N. He said. These flowers are for you. He said. Thank you. You said and kissed his cheek. Where are we going for our date? You asked. You will see. He said and kissed your cheek. You two kept walking and talking. Is this the date? You asked. Do you like it? He asked. I love it I love spending time with you. You said.

Kol- You were getting ready for date with Kol. You put on a black tank top with shorts and black sneakers. You heard a knock and you raced downstairs. You opened the door and Kol was there. Hi. You both said in unison. Ready to go? He asked. I am. You said and walked out. So where is the date? You asked. You'll see it's a surprise. He said. You two walked to a cemetery. A cemetery? You asked confused. I think it's a perfect date spot. He said. Anywhere is good as long as I get to spend time with you. You said and he kissed you.

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