Chapter 11. (Pixie)

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Chapter 11. (Pixie)

I woke up to my alarm screeching in my ears, I quickly stopped it and opened my eyes.

I rolled over and groaned, remembering the events of yesterday, I was hoping it was kind of a dream, I hate the fact that Dex and I have gone back to being total bitches towards each other. I sat up and swung my legs out of the bed, making contact with the floor. I looked down to see Dex's shirt laying in a heap, half way under my bed. I can o ly assume it's from where he stayed with me that night.

I quickly picked it up and held it to my nose, smelling it. It smelt of him, his fragrance and after shave. I squeezed my eyes shut - I can not fall for him anymore than what I am... I quickly slipped off my shorts and vest top, knowing that Dad would have gone to work by now and slipped Dex's top over my head.

I skipped down stairs and into the kitchen where all the boys were sitting.

"Hey!" I smiled cheerfully and all the boys let out a little grunt as they carried on eating,

Dex's eyes snapped up from his phone and grew wide,

"That's mine! Where'd you get that?" He glared, I let out an evil laugh silently in my mind,

"I found it on my floor, thought 'Hmmm I like that!' , then took of my Pj's and put it on." I smiled,

"Give it back!" Dex snapped, I shook my head.

"Nope, I quite like it!" I laughed as I took the milk out of the fridge and poured a glass.

"Now!" Dex shouted, I shook my head, this is getting quite amusing.


I looked at Dex and shook my head again,

"I can't I'm only wearing this, I don't have anything else on underneath!" I smirked at him and Dex's eyes grew wide.

"W-w-what?" He stammered,

"I-I-I said I only have this on!" I laughed as I mocked him,

"Hell yeah - take it off!" Reece screamed, with a huge grin on his face,

"Maybe later, just for you though!" I winked as I joked around. Dex shot me a sharp glare and looked at me,

"I want it back, it's one of my favourite shirts!" Dex growled, slamming his phone down. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his torso,

"Don't you like seeing me in it?" I asked, looking up at him threw my eye lashes, trying to contain my laughter. Dex's cheeks flushed red and he pulled him self out my arms.He shot me another glare before storming out the room.

Once I new he was gone I let out a laugh,

"You're evil!" Tyler smirked at me and I nodded as I sipped my milk. Dex stormed back into the kitchen with a towel and chucked it at me. I didn't even make an attempt to catch it but let it fall and slump on the ground by my feet as I kept drinking.

"Put the towel on and give my t-shirt back now." Dex glared at me threw gritted teeth. All the boys eyes lit up and I laughed,

"Oh God, you're such pervs!" I shook my head, they were unbelievable!! I shrugged at Dex and hopped up onto the work side, my legs dangling. I felt the top rise slightly. Dex looked at me legs, and seemed to blank out for a second.

"Dex are you okay?" I asked innocently. Dex's eyes snapped up to mine and locked. His eyes seemed to be changing all the time, it was as if I could see every emotion he was feeling.

"Get. My. Top. Off. NOW!" Dex shouted,

I let out a small laugh,

"Ohh okay!" I choked out as I put my hands up in front of me. I slipped off the side and bent down picking the towel up.

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