Chapter Sixteen

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The day was grueling. Only because I had class, work at the restaurant and my job at the studio. All I want to do when I walk into the apartment is fall asleep. That all changes though, when I see Lauren walk out of her bedroom in a black silk dress. She smiles sheepishly as she notices me look her up and down. The dress is long but it has a slit that goes up the side to her mid thigh. Her heels are simple and her hair flows over one of her shoulders. I walk towards her, a bit lost since I have no idea what she's all dressed up for.

"Umm hey." She greets me as I come all the way in.

I place an amused look on my face as I stop in front of her. "Hey. What's this for? You have a date and didn't tell me?" I say with a giggle on the end.

She rolls her eyes and pushes my shoulder lightly. "Of course not dum dum." She giggles as well. "Umm I kinda have an event I'm supposed to get to." I lift an eyebrow and she rubs a hand down her other arm. "My art professor invited the class to an art gallery opening for one of his friends. It's extra credit." She adds a shrug.

"Oh, so you have to go by yourself? I can drop you off if you want." I offer.

She leans her back against the wall and smiles. "No, but I know you must be tired and it's probably going to be boring anyway. You don't have to drop me off, I can drive myself."

"Here let me get ready real quick and then I'll do your makeup." I say walking past her and into my room, shutting the door behind me.

It opens right back up as she watches me walk to my closet. "Mani, you've been up since 6 and I know you're not that interested in art. You could be sleeping instead. Think of it. You, sleep, and a nice comfy bed." She tries to persuade me.

I scoff at her reasoning picking out a long white dress and looking through my heels next. "Ok so number one, I'm not tired. Number two I love art, especially when you're there to talk to me about it. Three, it could be me, you, and art. Think about that." I finish and scoop my white heels out of the back of the closet. I grab some underwear that won't show under the dress and place it all on my bed. I turn back to a smiling Lauren, leaning her shoulder against the doorway of my room.

"So you're definitely going, no matter what I say?"

"Oh, definitely." I say with a smirk. "Imma take a quick shower, get dressed, and then help you with your makeup, ok?"

"Yeah, yeah." She answers and turns out of the bedroom, closing the door behind her.

"Hold still, mama." I say, grabbing her chin between my fingers and using the other hand to apply the lipstick. She lets out a groan but keeps her head still as I swipe it along her top and bottom lip. I sit back to admire my work, wiping away a small amount that went below her lip. "Perfect." I whisper and she pulls away with a smile.

"Alright let's go." She says and we hop out of the car.

She keeps her clutch under her arm and I loop my arm through her free arm. We walk up the steps and up to the door where there is a man checking people in.

"Oh shit, this is fancy." I mumble under my breath and Lauren lets out a small chuckle.

I let her take the lead at the door where she checks us in. "Lauren Jauregui and guest." She says. The man looks down the list, checking us off and giving us a smile before letting us in.

We walk into the building and there are already many people here.  I grab us two chutes of champagne from a passing server which Lauren accepts with a playful eye roll. She takes a sip and takes a glance around the space, I assume to find her professor or any familiar classmates. Her eyes show a look of recognition and we head in the direction that she's looking. I bring my eyes over the young people in front of me and then behind them, where there is a slightly older man standing, trying to keep up with the students in front of him.

Falling Is The Scariest Part (Laurmani)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara