Chapter Four (Part 1)

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I rush to the door when Camila is knocking at 10 on the dot. I send her an apologetic smile and grab my bag and phone. The weather is nice today, so I have a t-shirt and some shorts on. I grab the keys off my dresser and head towards the door.

"Sorry. I'm usually very punctual." I say with a laugh as I lock up.

"No problem. I picked an early time anyway." She replies with a shrug.

We walk the 2 minute walk to the student center in a comfortable silence. The air is cool but the sun is beating down creating a warm atmosphere. It's the end of fall so I know the days of this weather are dwindling. The crunch of the leaves under my feet are fueling my good mood, only because I love fall so much.

I look over at Camila after I open the door and find she's already looking at me.

"Whatcha thinking about?" She asks as she walks through the second set of doors.

"Fall. It's my favorite season." I say with a smile.

"Hmm you look like more of a summer girl to me." She says walking down the stairs.

"How is that?" I ask, following behind her.

"Umm I don't really know. I guess it might be your body." She looks over to with her eyes wide while I just raise my eyebrows. "That's not what I meant! Umm I mean you seen like the type of person who enjoys warm weather." She says while face palming.

I laugh. "It's ok I'll take the compliment."

I look around and figure we'll just go to the snack bar as apposed to the more heavy meal based spots. I lead Camila to the bar and pick up some fruit and yogurt along with a breakfast bar and some milk.

I look at Camila's tray and notice we have almost identical trays. "You really like bananas huh?" I question after leaving the line and finding a place to sit.

"How'd you know?" Camila asks with the straw of the juice box hanging out her mouth.

"Always see you with them." I say with a shrug as I bite into my apple.

"Oh. I didn't know you payed attention to me." She raises her eyebrow.

"Don't flatter yourself." I say with a smirk. "But really I thought it would be weird not to know anything about my suite mate other than the fact that she's painfully shy."

She blushes and looks down at the table. "Sorry. I'm not really a people person."

"Doesn't matter to me." I shrug and she smiles. We spend the majority of breakfast in silence. We finish at the same time and get up to get rid of our trash.

She looks at her phone to let me know that she should get to class. We double check to make sure she's coming over tonight and say our goodbyes.

I check the time myself and see that I have 20 minutes until class, so I take the long way and head to my building. The walk is especially peaceful with my headphones in so I take my time and allow my skin to soak in the sun.

I get to my building and fall into my lecture where dozens of people are already seated. I'm comfortable here where I blend in with everyone else. I only worry about taking notes and taking in the information. I mark the things I have trouble understanding and star the important points.

Pretty soon the lecture ends and I pack my things up intent on making my way back to my dorm for a small nap. I'm walking the hall attempting to put my headphones in when I hear a slightly familiar voice calling my nickname. Turning around, I smirk when I see who it is.

"Woah I was starting to think that wasn't your name." Party girl exhales once she arrives a few feet in front of me.

"It's not, but it'll do. And just to let you know, stalking is a serious crime party girl." I say smirk intact.

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