Chapter Eleven

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"It's too late to change Mani. I bet you look fine." I hear from outside of the bathroom.

I take a deep breath and look at my reflection in the mirror. The slits in my costume almost reaches my hips. The material covering my chest is minimal. I tug the shawl around my shoulders and clasp it in front of my chest. I adjust the crown on my head and check my fangs to make sure they are positioned correctly. "Ok Normani, wear the costume with confidence. You look great." I pause as I take another look. "Even though your boobs are spilling out and you can see my vagina but, hey thats fine." I shake my head and take a step away from the mirror to close my eyes.

"Mani? You ok?" Ally's voice comes from right outside the locked bathroom door.

"Yeah Ally. Just... just give me a sec."

"Ok... umm do you want me to call Lauren."

"No Ally. Really I'm fine." I don't know why she thinks calling Lauren will make anything better. I adjust the costume a bit more and sigh. "Ok you wanted to look hot and now you look hot so get your hot ass out of the bathroom and to that party." I say to myself. Not convincing enough but I know if I open the door, there isn't a way that I wouldn't go to the party. I stop the shaking in my hand and grip the door nob harshly and quickly open the door with a smile.

"Damn. You look great Mani!" Ally reacts in her sexy nurse ensemble. She's adjusting her own little hat with the red cross in the middle. The lace tights come up to right above her knees, hooking up to the bottom of her short skirt. Her tight shirt bottoms up right above her bra as I can see the outline and a fake stethoscope wraps around her neck. I smile a bit more confident than I was in the bathroom. As long as I keep my shawl close I should be fine.

"Thanks Ally. You look hot girl. Troy getting some tonight?" I ask with a giggle as a do a spin.

She blushes and avoids the question. "Well you look hot. I don't know why you were so worried."

"My punani is this close from hanging out." I say pinching my index and thumb together. "But I'll just think of it as if I'm in a bikini with a cover up." I say as I shrug, trying to convince myself that my costume isn't that revealing.

Ally glances up and down my body a couple of times. "You're wearing a lot more than a bikini, Mani." She says rolling her eyes.

"Hello we have arrived." Dinah's recognizable voice announces as her and Lauren walk into the room.

"You didn't lock the door?" I ask Ally and she shrugs.

"We're both in the room. And Dinah always knocks so annoyingly." She huffs exhaustedly.

I roll my eyes at her nonchalant reply. "You're supposed to knock Dinah Jane." I say crossing my arms.

"Yeah, yeah. But damn you look hot!" She says eyeing my costume. "What are you supposed to be though?"

"Queen of the Damned, right?" Lauren pipes in.

"Yeah. Aaliyah looked so good in that movie." I swoon with a smile.

"Nothing compared to you." Lauren says softly and then clears her throat quickly. "You've done a great job with the details Mani."

I smile gratefully. "Thanks Lo. Wasn't a good movie but I love Aaliyah." I shrug with a chuckle.

"Sexy nurse Ally over here looking scrumptious though." Dinah says directing the attention to Ally.

"I know dem legs though!" I yell and Ally blushes and swats at my arm.

"Dinah as Cat Woman. Looking all sexy in the leather." I say and she strikes a pose. She's wearing the catsuit with a small utility belt hanging off her hip slightly. Her boots make her a bit taller than usual and she holds the goggles as the hood hangs down her back.

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