Part 17

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Once I regained consciousness after my spontaneous blackout, I was back in my room and two servants were by my side, tending to my every need.

"Alas, m'lady you are awake!"exclaimed the first one that had a wet cloth in her hand and had placed several other cloths on my face, arms and legs.

"We must inform his Lordship!"exclaimed the second one that held a jug with both hands as if her life depended on it.

"Aye, go fetch him."instructed the first maid. "Bring some food with you too for the lady. I suspect she fainted from malnourishment." The second maid nodded quietly, placed the jug on the drawer and left the room.

"Where's Noah?"I asked.

"Noah..."pronounced the maid as though she had never before heard the name.  Then I realised that no-one knew him by his first name except for myself and his family.

"The Duke of Carlisle..."I smiled.

"Ah!"she smiled in realisation. "He was most shocked when you fainted in front of him. He insisted on carrying you to your room but no-one would let him given his current shoulder injury."

"Do you know where he is?"

"I am afraid I do not." she replied before she placed a freshly dampened cloth on my forehead. After about half an hour Lord Daley arrived with the servant who brought me something to nourish myself.  I had started feeling better although my heart still ached at my mother's death and at my terrible standing with Noah at that moment. In two days I would leave for the village where I would attend mother's funeral and care for my younger brothers with my aunt's help.

I was soon back on my feet and the day of my departure arrived quickly.  Before I knew it I was standing in front of the carriage that would take me home, watching as the footmen loaded me and my aunt's things in the trunk.

"Ready to go?"asked my aunt in a gentle voice.

"Aye."I said but before I could follow her inside, I saw Lord Daley quickly approaching me with Noah by his side.

"Lady Charlotte, care you not to bid us your farewell?"teased Lord Daley.

"O I forgot!" I teased back. "Farewell my lord!"I said before dropping into an exaggerated curtsey. I turned to face the carriage.

"And what about me, m'lady?"asked Noah.  "Or is bidding me farewell not what you wish to do?" I turned around at his words.

"What are you trying to say? I must not waste any more time."I said, avoiding eye-contact with him.

"Then I shall make my announcement quick."he said as he got down on one knee.  "Charlotte will you be my wife?"

"Noah... I cannot."

"You have no excuse to make. I know 'tis not the best time but I shall not wait any longer. You have shown me how much you truly love me when you saved my life and risked yours instead and nothing you will ever say will erase that."he paused to catch his breath. "Now is your chance to confess what you have always felt for me... what we have felt for each other."

"Noah, I have my brothers-"

"Bring them along and we'll raise them as though they were our own. There is plenty of room in my castle I can assure you."he insisted as he took the same box he had the last time from his pocket and opened it to reveal a silver ring.  "What do you say Charlotte?" I glanced at my aunt who was beaming with tears in her eyes and to Lord Daley who nodded in encouragement.


I found myself returning home with a ring on my finger and a whole future as the Duchess of Carlisle.  The one thing that really made me wonder if my decision was the right one was Noah's uncle. I would not be looking forward to seeing him again and if he dared mutter even a syllable of disrespect towards me he might wake up with just one sideburn one morning. Weeks rolled by and our wedding day had officially arrived.  Noblemen from all over the country were invited and so were Lord Daley and Lady Clarisse who were expecting their first child. The wedding ceremony was certainly the most nerve-racking thing I had ever done in my life and it was especially tense since I was close to convinced that Noah would stand me up. However, all turned out well in the end and we danced and did all the things people normally do at weddings. The highlight of the night was, in my personal and biased opinion,  the traditional fire shooting.  This was a tradition that included the bride and groom to shoot a flaming arrow and hit the bullseye on a target.  If both hit the target, good omen is said to guide them through their many years as husband and wife.  We were set up and both took our aim.  On the count of three we released our arrows and I watched as they penetrated through the air towards the target. 

As the arrows collided with the bullseye in perfect unison, the guests started to cheer and clap. We both dropped our bows. Noah and I exchanged a look of pure longing and love. We came together and looked into each other's eyes as our lips connected.


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