Part 15

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Two weeks rolled by and once again, I found myself travelling to Melrose with my aunt. This time, however, she did not act in a controlling manner but spoke sweetly, mostly because she probably pitied the fact that I would have to get engaged to the lieutenant in just a day. We made a deal and there was no way I would back out now. Mother was bedridden by now and I would do anything to revive her health, even if it meant getting hitched to a man who is famous for being unfaithful with the ladies he was betrothed to. On the bright side, going to Melrose was a relief as I would not have to look at Adrian going round with Agathe on his arm acting like a pair of lovebirds just to make me jealous.

My aunt distracted my thoughts as she pointed at the castle in the distance. Hardstone Court Castle was just as I had left it two months ago. However, this time round there were white garlands and white flower arrangements scattered around the gardens which were full of bustling servants preparing for the following day's event. The carriage came to a halt and we were led inside to our rooms. Lord Daley had insisted on hosting all the wedding guests' stays by providing them rooms in the castle. A servant lead me and my aunt to our room and left. The room was plain but sophisticated and it looked as if it had not been lived-in for a long time. I started unpacking the necessities when I spotted my aunt staring through a window. I curiously neared the window to see what she was looking at however as she saw me approach, she quickly drew the curtain.

"Nothing to see here Charlotte."she said as she hurried towards the door. "I will be back soon."she said bluntly before walking out.

That evening, all the guests were invited to a grand dinner to celebrate Lord Daley and Lady Clarisse's upcoming marriage. Everything was running smoothly until Noah appeared talking to the Earl from the harvest ball and to Lord Fairlaw. My jaw dropped and as I saw him about to avert his gaze towards me, I quickly looked away, hoping I would not be recognised. Thankfully, I did not see him for the rest of the night.

The next morning was the day of Lord Daley's wedding. After a long, warm bath I put on a jade-coloured gown and braided my hair before tying it up in a bun. Once Aunt Monica had finished dressing as well, we were guided to the abbey where the actual ceremony would take place. We were seated and I could not help but admire the stained glass as we waited for the bride to arrive. My attention was diverted to Noah as he entered grim-faced beside his uncle. I frowned as he was seated a few rows further up the aisle. The organ suddenly started to play and in walked Lord Daley followed by his witness. He seemed to be enjoying himself even though he did not have much say in who to marry, which made me smile. Then after some minutes, the choir started to sing and everyone rose to their feet to admire Lady Clarisse and her father as they walked up the aisle. Lady Clarisse's dress was made of the finest ivory-coloured silk with a lace bodice and a patterned skirt full of intricate details. She wore a long veil held in place with a diamond crown. My eyes followed her as she walked slowly towards the altar until they met Noah's who gazed deeply into my eyes. I glanced away from him but glanced back again momentarily. That is how I spent most of the mass... glancing back and forth at Noah's eyes and he into mine.  I tried so hard to fight the urge to look back at him and tried to focus on the mass instead but it was all in vain.

When the wedding mass finally came to an end, I hurried out of the abbey before Noah decided to approach me and there was no way to run from him with all the people waiting to get out.  When I was finally in the clear, I decided to head back to the castle for the feast would soon commence.  I walked through the familiar corridor and into the ballroom.  This time though, the ballroom was bursting with daylight and was decorated with the most exquisite flower arrangements.  I searched the crowd until my eyes found my aunt. I slowly walked to her but before I could reach her, a hand touched my shoulder. I looked behind me to see Lieutenant Woods with a broad smile on his face.

"Ah, Lieutenant Woods... how nice to see you." I lied as I politely curtsied.

"You look most beautiful as always..."he said as he bowed and kissed my hand.  "No ring.  Only a few hours before we are officially betrothed."

"A few hours can still change everything."I remarked as a sudden feeling of anxiety took over me.

"I love that you expect your life to turn out as a fairytale."he whispered before he took my hand in his.  "Let us dance." he said and before I could object, he lead me onto the dance floor.  We twirled for a few minutes and although my face may have shown a sense of happiness and affection to the man before me, my insides were truly miserable.  I would have to spend the rest of my life with this man... this rugged man who treated every betrothed he ever had as though she were a toy. I shivered at the horrible things he would have me do once we were married. But I would do it all for mother.  The music stopped and the dance was finally over. I escaped out of his grasp and ran out onto one of the balconies that overlooked the garden.  The sun was starting to set and everything was calm and quiet. I sat on a stone stool and lay my head on the railing.

I closed my eyes but quickly opened them as I heard footsteps behind me.

"What are you doing here?"I asked in a panicked tone.

"I will not let you marry him! Ever!"Noah replied. 

"There is nothing you can do."I said shaking my head.

"There is, and I will."he said as he approached me. "I know you love me and if convincing you that I love you is what it will take then I will do anything to convince you."

"Please just-"

"I do not care what you think. Why did you not tell me of this deal with that beerbelly?!"he cut me off.  "I would have proposed to you that instant."

"I do not want you to propose to me out of pity but out of love.  Clearly you did not feel that way to propose to me any earlier... I will not have any of this!"I protested. Forcing him to propose to me would be far worse than marrying Lieutenant Woods.  "I knew that if you found out about this deal, you would feel obliged to marry me.  I do not want that."

"But I was planning to propose to you..."he murmured.

"That does no longer matter."I said coldly.

"Maybe not to you... but it does to me.  Your aunt informed me of this deal of yours because she believed my love for you was real."

"She did?"I asked feeling surprised.

"Yes, and Lord Daley invited me today just so that I could change your mind because he too believes me."he said as he got on one knee.  "My question is... do you believe me?"he took out a small box and handed it out on his hand but before he could open it an arrow flew into his shoulder and his body fell to the ground.

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