Part 4

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Still in absolute silence, I admired the wonderful view of Edinburgh castle which lay lonely as a cloud on a clear day on the hilltop. The last rays of sun before total sunset glimmered against the glass windows. As the carriage neared the castle, an eager crowd of folk of all ages welcomed us with warm cheers. I watched as the crowd huddled up against the castle gate that was quickly shut as soon as all the carriages passed through. Our carriage stopped at the other end of the huge courtyard and a footman helped me and my aunt down from the carriage.

Lord Fairlaw shortly appeared before offering me his arm. I hesitated to wrap mine around his but after glancing at Aunt Monica's glare, I knew I had no choice. As we enteted the castle, we were greeted with the sound of backpipes that echoed against the grand, stone walls. The room was lit up with thousands of candles hanging from wooden chandeliers and the entire ballroom was full of eligible maidens; some excited to meet their future husbands, some scared that no man would be taken with them and the rest could not possibbly care less: like me.

My eyes wandered off to the tables overflowing with food and wine. The sight made my heart burn at the thought that as my mum was sickly trying to feed my brothers, people here were drowning in boatloads of food which would mostly go to waste. It was utterly selfish and unkind and-

"Come here you! The ball is about to start!"scowled Aunt Monica, interrupting my thoughts. She pulled me by the arm next to Lord Fairlaw who had now moved into one of the
rows that all lords were aligned in along with their respective representative. Meanwhile, the eligible men were all lined up on the grand staircase and on top lay the King. Silence fell over the room.

"I, first of all, take this opportunity to welcome you all to the commencement of this year's social season. I wish you all the best attempts to find a true companion with whom you may bear heirs to serve our everlasting empire!" The King paused for a short breath. "Now, I must declare the male representative who will choose his lady for the first dance of the season. Please welcome his grace, Lord Noah Riverood, the Duke of Carlisle." I observed quietly as a tall and well-built man appeared next to the king and knelt down on one leg to kiss his ring. Then, the man rose to his feet and accompanied by two pages, he descended the staircase and gave way for the official introductions to start. He was to be introduced to each eligible maiden and then choose the one he would like to share his first dance with. Everyone watched as the duke was introduced to one lady after the other. As he was being introduced to the maiden beside me, I took a quick glance that soon turned into a stare of horror.

It was him... the man- the one I had saved, well sort of saved, in the forest... that other day! For a moment, my mind insisted that he could not be that man... oh but he was! I saw him approaching me along with his pages and I quickly turned my head to face the front. I held my breath.

"Lady Charlotte, daughter of the Hathertwaite household, represented by his grace Lord Fairlaw of Edinburgh."announced the page. I kept on staring in front of me without looking at the man.

I slowly exhaled as the page moved on to the next lady, however before he could announce the next woman, the Duke did something that left everyone in shock and disbelief.

"I choose her!"he yelled. I could not help but look at him at that moment. He was still looking at me and as our eyes met, my eyes flashed back to our encounter in the forest. Back there, I was free to run and escape, but here that was unthinkable. Even if I did run, my aunt and the entire cavalry would probably stop me before I could find my way to the countryside.

The man who apparently was the Duke of Carlisle, bowed down at me and knowing that I had no other choice, I reciprocated the action.

"Will you do me the honor of letting me lead you through the first dance of the season?"he asked as he extended his hand and took mine in his.

"I will."I said as he gently pulled my arm to the centre of the ballroom. A large space had cleared up around us now as everyone was watching us like hawks. The music started and the duke slipped his hand around my waist and held my hand gently with the other. We slowly started to move to the music and with each step, I got more and more tense, afraid that I would step on his foot accidentally and make a fool out of both of us; him for choosing me and myself for being such a useless girl.

"Loosen up a little... I won't bite."whispered a voice in my ear. My head shot up to see the duke gazing at me with a smile on his face. "Let me give you a whirl..." he said before he released his hold on my waist and gave me a spin. We repeated the sequence until I was getting quite dizzy and accidentally stepped on my dress which sent me off balance. I could already sense the humiliation I was about to receive from everyone in the ballroom, when the duke caught me in his arms and staged my accident as part of the routine. He dipped me and as we were both on our feet, the music stopped and the ballroom was filled with applause. He bowed at me and I at him and we waited for the music to start again. The ballroom was now full of couples dancing and twirling but before I could understand what I was expected to do next, the Duke grabbed my hand and lead me to one of the balconies accessible from the ballroom.

"Why did you bring me here, your grace?"I asked nervously. "I apologise for the minor accident I experienced during our dance your grace."I said, never making eye-contact with his eyes.

"Look at me."he instructed. He then tilted my chin to force me to face him.

"Why did you choose me of all the noble ladies?"I asked still feeling tremendously nervous.

"You... you saved my life. I am indebted to you."He began. "I owe you my life... I must do whatever you please." He added. I immediately realised that he would not leave me alone now that he had found me, so I lied.

"'Twas not I who saved you..."I said looking away from him.

"I swear to God it was you..."He insisted as he grabbed my wrist and turned me to face him.

"No, it was not."I lied as I pulled my hand out of his grip.

"Yes it was."

"How are you so sure? Never seen another girl in the forest?"I replied immediately regretting the last part of my statement.

"So it was you!"he exclaimed, that smile of his reappearing.

"How can you tell?"

"You just admitted you were in the forest before I mentioned anything about that..."he said with a victorious look on his face. "Now I do not mean to annoy you, but I wanted to show you a sense of admiration..."

"Anyone would have saved you, given the chance..."

"No. I was refering to your humility..."

"Excuse me?"I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"Why do you not want to be recognised for your brave act?"he asked.

"I hate the attention. I did not do it for honor but because I felt I must... I cared."I explained as I leaned against the balcony railing.

"Thank you." He said looking surprised.

"May I return to the feast? My aunt must be looking for me..."I asked. He just nodded. I turned around and was about to walk back inside when his last words left me speechless.

"I've never met a girl like you..." Then, our eyes met just as they did in the forest.

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