Part 14

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"What did you say?"I asked as I backed out from his embrace. He looked as startled as I did at his last words.

"I am so sorry Charlotte. I have no idea what came over me."he said getting closer to me. "I honestly have no idea why I just said that!"

"I don't know..."I said as I backed away, closer to the door.

"Please believe me."he pleaded but before he could say anything else, I rushed out the door and sprinted down the corridor. I could hear his faint cries as I quickly descended the stairs. Almost everyone had left the castle after the ball and only a couple remained who were walking towards the main door. I quickly squeezed past them and headed in the direction of the gates. I spotted a carriage that was standing-by and immediately made it a point to get to it and leave this place, no matter how heartbreaking it may be for me. 

"Sir! Are you working tonight?"I yelled as I neared the carriage. The footman seemed startled and a little surprised to obtain a customer at that time of day.

"Aye miss."he responded as he quickly took his seat at the front of the carriage.  "Do you need a ride miss?"

"Yes."I responded before realising that I had no money in my possession to pay him with for I had left it all in my room.

"Where to?"he asked but before I could reply, I heard someone shouting my name. I turned to see Noah hurrying towards me as fast as he could. 

"I'll tell you once we leave."I said before climbing inside the carriage.  However, before I could close the door, Noah caught up.

"Please Charlotte.  I do not know why I said that."he pleaded.

"Why did you really bring me here Noah? To help you keep your title or to fill up the empty space that a girl from your past left in your life?"I asked as I tried my best not to cry.

"I am over Rosaline.  You have to believe me."he begged as he gazed into my eyes.

"How can I trust you when I do not even know who she was?"I objected.

"You want to know who Rosaline was?"he asked with a look of surprise on his face.  I simply nodded.  "Rosaline was the daughter of a farmer and she was my first love.  I fell for her so hard that I just knew I would marry her one day. Then my uncle found out about our relationship but he disliked the fact that I fell for a poor girl like her so he got rid of her."

"Got rid of her?"I gasped.

"Yes."he said in a hurt voice.  "He pushed her into the loch and drowned her. She could not swim."  I did nit know what to say.  "I fell for you from that first time I saw you and I knew you were better than Rosaline because you did not need me to protect you.  You can stand up for yourself."

"Why did you call me by her first name if you got over her death?"I asked with a blurry vision in my eyes.

"You remind me of her sometimes.  At that moment, I could think of none other than a similar night Rosaline and I had shared... I guess I was just a bit overwhelmed."he explained.  "Please stay..."

"I must go."I insisted.  "You may keep the money. After all, I did not finish the job."I said before attempting to close the carriage door.

"No. Don't go! I love you."

"You say you do... but at this point I do not know if you mean it."I replied regretfully and then he allowed me to shut the door and the carriage started to move.  I wiped my tears as I looked at the castle that grew smaller in the moonlight with each passing second. 

My return to the village was not welcoming at all. Mother grew weaker by the hour and Adrian's constant mocks about how I actually believed a duke would fall for me never seemed to end. 

I was doing the laundry one afternoon when I heard a knock on the door.  I slowly opened the door to reveal Aunt Monica.

"Aunt Monica! What brings you here?"I asked trying to be as polite as possible.

"First off, I brought some money for my dear sister. How is she doing?"she asked looking concerned.  I frowned at her.  "Sorry for asking..."she simply said before entering. 

"Would you like some tea?"I asked hoping she would refuse.

"No, I would rather make my point and be on my way."she said.

"What do you mean?"I asked.

"I have two invitations for you.  Firstly, Lord Daley has requested your presence at his wedding ceremony.  He seems to have grown fond of you but unfortunately not fond enough to take your hand in marriage."  I rolled my eyes at her.  "Secondly, I have a proposal from Lieutenant Woods."

"What proposal?"I complained.

"He requests your hand in marriage."she stated.  "He is willing to provide you with financial aid as long as you marry him. I wanted to ask you first... I would not have you marry someone you do not exactly know that well."

"What other choice do I have?"I asked.  "Tell him I will marry him."

"Are you sure?"my aunt asked.  "This is a big step and he is well-known for being rejected by potential wives in consecutive seasons."

"What can I do? Mother needs help."I insisted.

"Is there not someone else you would consider?"  Noah immediately popped into my mind.

"I am not sure... but in case there is, I shall wait until Lord Daley's wedding day.  Provided that no eligible man should request my hand until then, I shall marry the lieutenant."I said as I felt my heart squeeze.

Legends from the Highlands: Seeking FreedomWhere stories live. Discover now